
The 2nd Birthday Party - A Frugal-by-way-of-Awesome Affair

Otto's 2nd Birthday Party was this past Saturday! Whoot shaka boom! I say that while clicking my heels and twirling a fireworks baton because: a) I survived it and b) I survived its cake drama. Seriously, I survived the terror of making and transporting (i.e., carrying in my lap) this cake over 100 miles...

Cute, eh? Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus are handcrafted from donut (doughnut if you're proper) holes dipped in colored, warmed frosting. Their faces are drawn with a food marker by an insanely talented artist (ahem). Accessories (Lucy's hair, Charlie's stripe, Linus' blanket) were created from re-sculpted licorice and laffy taffy. Each one has a toothpick holding head to bottom and anchoring them to the cake. FTW!

In the spirit of my "Nothing New in 2011" resolution, I resolved to spend $0 on party decorations and gifts and to make the cake myself. A problem arose immediately, the first cake I baked & frosted = this...

Hello piece of shit garbage cake. I had attempted something WAY above my cake-ing abilities with warmed frosting. Eff me! This was 3 hours before we had to hit the road Friday night because the party was going to be at my parents' house in Phoenix the next morning. So I adjusted my game plan to "buy a cake as fast as you can at the grocery and decorate it yourself". 

I spent the 2 hour drive to Phoenix dedicating myself to Pure Cake Stability... No sharp turn or slam on the brakes was going to undo my 8 hours of donut/cake decorating efforts!

 But because the universe hates me, this happened at a stoplight about 1/2 mile from my parents' house...

Yes, Linus hung in there.

Luckily for me when one shows up at my mom's house yowling and bawling and running in circles carrying a cake travesty she pushes one out of the way, takes charge and fixes things, by heck! So the cake was salvaged but OMG. So next year I'm either going back to buying Otto's cake or I'll be serving birthday chocolate chip cookies.

Free party decorations, on the other hand, were a 100% success...

Leftover balloons from a craft project, decorated with cut-out craft paper 2s and stars and loose sequins. So festive!

"Happy Birthday Otto" sign hand-made from craft paper & string. I totally saved this for future birthdays. It's insanely cute. Cute City, USA!

This left so much budget for party food. We did croissants, bagels, sunbutter, organic jellies, cream cheese, a HUGE amazing fruit salad, organic greek yogurt, a veggie platter, and a selection of organic juices and natural sodas. Quel brunch extraordinaire!

Most importantly, Otto had a blast. He played with his cousin and our friends' little kids. He hammed it up for the crowd. He dance partied (of course he did) and was spoiled rotten with so many toys and gifts. Rob and I managed to use Kohl's cash & a Target gift card we'd received during the holidays in order to gift Otto at no out-of-pocket cost with an acoustic guitar (like father, like son, and hopefully some day like mama), Mr. Potato Head accessories, and a Mickey Mouse seek-and-find book.

Not that this day was all about the Nothing New challenge. Not at all. If I thought it would take away from the joy, or Otto's joy, I wouldn't have done it. But I knew it was a manageable goal and word to your mother, it was!

ps. My baby boy is 2. How did that happen?



Sweet Harper said...

I love everything about this post. You rock as a mom, Otto's so lucky! Oh, and that first cake did look like shit...glad you made an awesome recovery. I want to come to Ot's next party...please, please, please!!!

Babette said...

OMG I love it way to go you are awesome yes you do need gold star

Kalr3 said...

Hahaha I totally love the illustrations in this post. Keep doing that! Also, you are a braver woman than I for attempting such a culinary feat on your own. I make cakes...lots of times....in rectangle cake pans where the cake does not come out of the pan to get frosted. Nope. I leave the cake right in the pan and frost the top. I should either get brave like you...or invest in a prettier cake pan. Those donut characters are just adorable!!!

Monkey Toes said...

Did you at least eat the first cake? I'd be totally disappointed in you if it went in the trash...We don't waste cake in this neck of hte woods.

YOU ROCK as a mama! You are honest and amazing and it's perfect in your little Otto's eyes - and that's all that matters!

Jaimie said...

good job babes! I applaud thee!! :)

OT and ET said...

Tracy, you are so on the list for next year's bash! I'll reserve a chocolate chip cookie for you!

Babette, I needed that gold star! Thank you!!!

Kirsten, a pretty pan is a majorly good idea! But seriously if I hadn't gotten all "trying to be fahncy" with the green icing the 2 round cakes in a pile thing woulda worked out! You could totally do this - you're way more anal (in a good way) about details than me - you'd rock it!

Jenny, I wrote "Happy Anniversary Rob" on the first cake, hahaha! Then we all had a little piece and then trashed that crap!

Jaimie, thank you!! *bows*

Katie Hurley, LCSW said...

Found you on the chickadee blog hop! My internet stinks on a good day and won't load your google friend connect so I can't seem to follow right now, but I will stop back in the morning because I have to read more!

This was a fantastic post! Love the drawings! Love the cake...just great.


Mama in the 90035 said...


Anonymous said...

hahaha, your post made me laugh especially with the cake thing. i will definitely get back to read more, i enjoyed my hop in here!

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Anonymous said...

Such a great birthday party! Love it! I should have had you over at my house in October for Izzy's...you're decorations and cake are much better.

I found you on Follow Me Chickadee Blog Hop. I’m a new follower! Carli


mamaclare said...

Oh, buddy!
I love your balloons. The cake looks awesome. And you didn't break your resolution, new food was allowed, it didn't have to be used. I love you!

Rebecca said...

I love that cake! So cute!!

And awesome job sticking to your 'nothing new' resolution!

Happy Birthday, Otto!!

annie said...

lindsey you are the greatest! i miss you and WISH we could have been there to celebrate with you all! we love you guys!

OT and ET said...

Awww, thank you guys! You always make me feel good about my mediocre efforts! :) xxoo!!

amy said...

super sweet! and i love love love that happy birthday banner. totally and completely adorable, Lindsey!

Joyseelun said...

Cake was too cute! but I love your illustrations more lol

1grown2togo said...

I love the personality you put into your blog!! Found you on Follow Me Chickadee!! So glad I did now following you~~ Shari


luv2beanana said...

I was at the party and it rocked. The cake was adorable, the decorations perfect and kept baby Kingston mesmorized for 2 hours, the kids were great, the food was yummy, the fellowship with family and friends was warming and Otto's enthusiasm, cuteness, hugs, smiles, dances, kisses, and energy was priceless. In other words, your low budget party was perfect Linz. Love you guys.

OT and ET said...

Love you, Nita!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed this post more than you will ever know. I giggled, I oohhhed and awwwed. I have loved watching you grow as a mother. I am so proud to call you my friend. xxooo

OT and ET said...

Awww, Ash! I love you!!! <3

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Due to the increased production and power of the Washburn & Moen and I.[/p]

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Due to the increased production and power of the Washburn & Moen and I.[/p]

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Due to the increased production and power of the Washburn & Moen and I.[/p]

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Due to the increased production and power of the Washburn & Moen and I.[/p]