As of Sunday Otto was 2 years, 4 months old. Le sigh! He walks like a boy. He quacks like a boy. I'm so proud of his every achievement but the window of time between now and his babyhood seems oh so short...
and he's just up to so much lately that is real kid (real person!) stuff. I wanted to share a few of the milestones that put a smile on my face every day. First, my kiddo at the splash park (where he pretty much refused to go near the water, then splashed for two minutes, then talked about splashing "a LOT!" for the next 2 days).
Do you see the future seventeen-year-old in these pics? It scares me, but I do. Especially the close-up. Boy oh boy -->
So what is Otto up to these days?
- Well, as you can see, he's now posing for photos. We've got the cheesey "cheeeeez" face and the classic Otto sticking-tongue-out pose. I'm still hoping for the sm-eyes (smize?) to make its appearance. He'll get there.
- He can sing his ABCs
- And count to 13 reliably, after that it's number salad but he knows a lot of numbers. So it's like, "...10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 18, 19, 100!"
- He can negotiate which for now seems to be working to my advantage. Me: Please just try it; take ONE bite. Otto: No! Five bites! Me: You win, five it is.
- If you look closely, above, his feet are finally big enough for the mandals without socks! Just in time for 95' temps. I'll miss my little Florida tourist.
- He's really starting to appreciate rhyme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. Thank you, thank you Dr. Seuss and Margaret Wise Brown!
- He tells reallllly funny jokes. He tells one-man knock knock jokes. My favorite, said all at once, he came up with at the thrift store and had me dying! "knock knock who's there bear ahhhh! run away! it's just a joke"
And 1,000 other amazing, wonderful, funny things. I just love him. Love.
Looking forward to a quiet, loving Mother's Day this weekend full of great-grandmas, nanas, moms, pops, siblings, kiddos, my stupid dog, and Nana's new puppy! I wish you all amazing weekends and would love to hear what your little kiddoooos are up to these days.