In Retrospect, Yellow Was a Stupid Color to Choose For a Tie-Dye Project
The before shot:
Some of Otto's G-Diapers were looking pretttty tired so I thought I'd be a go-getter and give them a hippy makeover. But like a chump I picked out a sunshine yellow dye and ended up, well, with this crap:
Poor Otto. Yes, he will be wearing these tragedies and no I don't have money for more dye right now! But when I do, I'm thinking a rich brown might be pretty. What do you think?
Some of Otto's G-Diapers were looking pretttty tired so I thought I'd be a go-getter and give them a hippy makeover. But like a chump I picked out a sunshine yellow dye and ended up, well, with this crap:
Poor Otto. Yes, he will be wearing these tragedies and no I don't have money for more dye right now! But when I do, I'm thinking a rich brown might be pretty. What do you think?
Lil' Traders - Tucson Kids & Maternity New/Used Boutique - Coupon!
Earlier this month I did a post called Thrift Score with a shout out to the local Tucson new & used kids boutique Lil' Traders. Well, one thing led to another and before you know it we're hosting an exclusive coupon to Lil' Traders as well as a giveaway contest for a $25 gift certificate!
How I Found & Fell For Lil' Traders:
When I was pregnant with Otto (he's now almost 20 months, omg where did the time go?) anyways, when I was pregnant I started showing at around 3 months along. No kidding, my gut (and butt and boobs) just "boop" flew out there. Well, anyways, I needed maternity clothes STAT and I did NOT want to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes I would wear for only a few months. I had seen Lil' Traders when shopping at Bookmans and thought I'd give them a try. I went in looking for clothes for me and I left with I think 2 pairs of maternity pants, a few tops, and about ten gender-neutral baby outfits that I was like cuddling and drooling over! Baby Gap, Oilily, Children's Place - like really really nice baby clothes that I don't think I paid more than $5 for any single outfit! I fell in love, and was instantly hooked!
I continued to stock up on darling kids clothes at Lil' Traders throughout my pregnancy as well as ever-growing maternity clothes (yes, I ended up an XL, whatever, ice cream is GOOOOOD.). Then something incredible happened - I gave birth to my son! And he started to grow and I started to shrink! And suddenly all the moo-moos in my closet were too moo-moo'y and Otto (who weighed 9lb 12oz at birth) never set foot in a newborn garment and was quickly in need of size 6mo. So I started trading! And I never stopped. End of story.
Lil' Traders is Buy/Sell/Trade (same idea as Buffalo Exchange for adults) and carries childrens clothing from size preemie to 14 as well as maternity and nursing apparel for mamas. They also carry all kinds of gear, from cribs, strollers, and high chairs to baby wearing, car seats, decor, really you name it. And toys, dress up clothes, sports apparel like dance shoes & cleats, books, dvds, and games.
The Coupon! See, Everyone's a Winner!
We are very excited that Lil' Traders has offered our readers an exclusive coupon for $2.50 off any purchase or $5 off a purchase of $20 or more! All you need to do is print the below coupon and take it with you on your next visit!
Click coupon image below to open larger coupon for you to print!
Please note: Limit one coupon per customer.
Lil' Traders is located at 6216 East Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85712 in the Bookmans plaza (link to google map).
I was in no way compensated for this review/giveaway/coupon.
Mummy Tummy September - Here It Goes Again!
#MummyTummy is an online workout club for moms (or anybody) on Twitter that I launched back in July. I send you 4 dedicated #mummytummy tweets per day - each one a reminder to do a set of 20 crunches, situps, or whatever ab workout you're comfortable with.
I want to thank the glorious Mojo Mama for taking over in August and kicking all our asses! My abs thank her too! Plus I heart her big time! You can (and you really should) follow Mojo Mama on Twitter here.
Introducing #MumBum
Jenny from Monkey-Toes Shoes, a creative genius and one of my favorite Twitter friends, suggested we switch it up this month by alternating days. One day abs, the next, SQUATS! That's right, the dreaded squats, deal with it whiner, and you'll be glad you did! You can thank Jenny for your soon-to-be-firmer butt by following her on Twitter here.
Rock and Roll!
In honor of #MummyTummy and #MumBum September I'd like to veejay a song for you. I hope you love this song & inspirational video by Ok Go "Here It Goes Again" as much as I do! Seriously, too cool. I love it.
Sign up For MummyTummy September! Do it. Do it.
Just comment below with your Twitter name and from September 1 through 30 I'll tweet you 4x a day! And don't stress it, we're all busy with lives, there's no penalty for skipping a set or a day. This is just a fun way to motivate each other and even make new Twitter connections.
Ok, Go!
I want to thank the glorious Mojo Mama for taking over in August and kicking all our asses! My abs thank her too! Plus I heart her big time! You can (and you really should) follow Mojo Mama on Twitter here.
Introducing #MumBum
Jenny from Monkey-Toes Shoes, a creative genius and one of my favorite Twitter friends, suggested we switch it up this month by alternating days. One day abs, the next, SQUATS! That's right, the dreaded squats, deal with it whiner, and you'll be glad you did! You can thank Jenny for your soon-to-be-firmer butt by following her on Twitter here.
Rock and Roll!
In honor of #MummyTummy and #MumBum September I'd like to veejay a song for you. I hope you love this song & inspirational video by Ok Go "Here It Goes Again" as much as I do! Seriously, too cool. I love it.
Sign up For MummyTummy September! Do it. Do it.
Just comment below with your Twitter name and from September 1 through 30 I'll tweet you 4x a day! And don't stress it, we're all busy with lives, there's no penalty for skipping a set or a day. This is just a fun way to motivate each other and even make new Twitter connections.
Ok, Go!
We Have Christened the Potty Chair!
Today after work I was taking a shower and Ot was hanging out pantsless in the bathroom reading books and sitting on his potty chair (even at 20 months, it's like human nature: you take off your pants, you sit on the toilet, and you read)... Anyways, he kept pulling the shower curtain back and fidgeting to show/tell me he had to pee. He did this like 3 times. Each time I said, "you can sit down and go pee on your potty chair." Then I'd return to shaving 1/3 of a leg or trying to remember if I'd already shampooed my hair. So, I finish my awesome, relaxing, peaceful shower and step out and there's Ot-on-the-pot, reading a book and the little Bjorn potty "dish" (or whatever you call it) is full of pee!
Who knew pee could bring such joy!? Is it weird that for a moment I actually panicked thinking, "how am I going to save this wonderful pee forever?" That moment passed pretty quickly because I'm kinda weird but not completely bent.
Wow. Milestone. The lad is growing up. Almost 20 months and peeing in chairs and everything. Hard to believe just a year ago he was just this chubby little mushroom:
ps. For those of you who follow regularly, you might remember that Ot 1st peed in the real toilet at the end of July. It's been a "dry season" since, with no potty progress til today. But at that time quite a few mom-bloggers generously joined in to create a review of 9 (yes NINE) popular potty chairs. You can see that post here.
Who knew pee could bring such joy!? Is it weird that for a moment I actually panicked thinking, "how am I going to save this wonderful pee forever?" That moment passed pretty quickly because I'm kinda weird but not completely bent.
Wow. Milestone. The lad is growing up. Almost 20 months and peeing in chairs and everything. Hard to believe just a year ago he was just this chubby little mushroom:
ps. For those of you who follow regularly, you might remember that Ot 1st peed in the real toilet at the end of July. It's been a "dry season" since, with no potty progress til today. But at that time quite a few mom-bloggers generously joined in to create a review of 9 (yes NINE) popular potty chairs. You can see that post here.
Myself Belts - Review & Giveaway of Wayyy Cute Belts For Kiddos! (CLOSED)
Have you ever experienced love at first sight? Because if YOU have, then WE officially have something in common.
I fell, hard, head over heels the moment I first spotted an ad for Myself Belts. I die for cute boys clothes and accessories for Otto, but it's challenging to find anything that's even remotely above-average (as far as super-cuteness) in the mainstream stores. So when I hopped on the Myself Belts website I was drooling all over my keyboard for the style after style of cute boys and girls belts!
Myself Belts(tm), the belt kids can fasten themselves: as an added bonus, these belts are specially designed to be easy for lil hands to control. One end of the belt snaps to the first belt loop, the other end then velcroes the belt in place. Easy peasy!
The Review:
We love our belt! Otto gets nothing but compliments on his Construction Belt. But even more important than the fact that every adult who sees it goes gaga and asks me where I got it... Otto adores his Myself Belt! He sees it and screams "BELLLLT!" and walks around holding his shirt up to his chin so everyone can ooh and ahh over his coolness. Then he makes robotic digging motions to indicate that it's a "digger" belt. All of which is beyond cute to behold!
I'm also excited about the easy-to-use functionality of the belt which will come in handy soon, as we start the long, dark journey that is toilet learning! Otto will be able to easily undo/redo his belt like a big boy!
How to Buy It:
If you just can't wait to get your hands on one of these cute belts, here's where you can get your own Myself Belt. They come in all styles and sizes, from toddler through adult! Visit Myself Belts online HERE.
How to Win Your Choice of Myself Belt:
1 winner will receive their choice of Myself Belt! Excluding all personalized and leather styles.
Mandatory First Entry - vist Myself Belts, look around, and then leave a comment on this post, telling which Myself Belt you would choose if you won the giveaway. It's that easy!
Additional Entry Opportunities:
- Follow @myselfbelts on Twitter
- Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this page. In your comment below, put a link to your tweet (up to 3 bonus entries per day - 1 per tweet - 30 mins apart or more please)
- "Like" Myself Belts on Facebook (3 bonus entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. In your comment just put a link to your blog post (3 bonus entries)
- Follow TidbitsParenting via Google Friend Connect (if you already follow that counts too)
- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter (that's me!) (if you already follow that counts too)
- "Like" TidbitsParenting on Facebook (3 bonus entries)
- Grab the TidbitsParenting badge (on the right) and in your comment leve a link to your badged up blog homepage (3 bonus entries) (if you've already got the badge that counts too)
Please Note:
Just remember to leave a comment for EACH entry. For example, if you follow Myself Belts on Facebook since that's worth 3 bonus entries make sure you leave 3 COMMENTS for that.
Make sure that I can reach you if you win - via email or Twitter. We will contact the winner on October 1 and they will have 48 hours to claim the prize or we will choose a different winner.
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on September 30. Open to US residents only. We will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest! Also - I was given a complimentary belt of choice to review and was in no other way compensated for hosting this giveaway.
Congratulations to Heather R with comment #17 you are the winner of this giveaway! I'll contact you via email and Twitter to confirm your belt style/size of choice. Thanks to everyone for entering!
Almost Wordless... Toddler Goes Mall Rat (aka Hot Dog Truck Driver, Astronaut, Speed Racer)
Still working on my cool photo editing skills.
Ok, yeah, I get that that caption doesn't make sense if he's flying the rocket!
This is how we beat the heat in Tucson in August.
You can see why Tuesdays with Otto are my favorite days!
You can see why Tuesdays with Otto are my favorite days!
1, 2, 3, 4 Chickens Just Back From the Shore!
This is my new favorite anything, ever!
I know, I know, I'm behind the times. But, I just found this video of Feist's Sesame Street music video and I'm obsessed! If you haven't already seen this, it's sooo darling! I love watching it with Otto and dancing - and have officially adopted it as my go-to song to sing to him throughout the day.
This video + me = verklempt (laughing, dancing, singing and teary-eyed!)
♥♥♥ I hope you like it! ♥♥♥
I know, I know, I'm behind the times. But, I just found this video of Feist's Sesame Street music video and I'm obsessed! If you haven't already seen this, it's sooo darling! I love watching it with Otto and dancing - and have officially adopted it as my go-to song to sing to him throughout the day.
This video + me = verklempt (laughing, dancing, singing and teary-eyed!)
♥♥♥ I hope you like it! ♥♥♥
Do You Remember Play With Your Parents?
Warning: This is like a semi-mopey, emo blog post because I. Can't. Remember. and it's freaking me out. I remember a handful of random, one-off occasions (ps. look at how cute I was, awwwww):
The few I can think of are all amazing memories, but it's just weird to me, meditating on this topic lately, that these are the only real memories I can come up with of being a kid and just goofing off, having fun, and playing with my parents. I wonder, did they not play with us? I doubt this, but... Or, so, did they and it's just that I don't remember? If so, that sucks.
I wonder what I'm just not remembering. Come on brain, what are you missing? Stupid brain.
Obviously I'm obsessing on this because of Otto. I live to play with him, to dance with him, to get down on the floor and play trucks or splash in the kiddie pool or do Mr. Potato Head. Will he remember? Does it matter if he doesn't? Gah, I'm so emo! What is my problem? But really, when I think of playing as a child I think of being alone in my room, or with my little brother, or running around the neighborhood with other kids... I don't think of my mom or dad at all, not for a second.
So, I mean, I don't want to be this creepy Norman Bates' mom-lady hovering all over Otto's childhood, but how can I help it?! I mean, it's where I want to be, it's what I want to be doing! Someday soon there's gonna come a time when he's playing and he won't want me there, he won't need me to be a part of it, and what am I going to do? Cry? Butt in? Yeah, I think I'm going to cry and maybe butt in.
And for now I'm going to be a helicopter mom! Whoohoo Helicopter Lindsey! And I'm going to sponge up every second of it, of getting to just "be" with my awesome little man!
So, is it just me? What do you remember about playing with your parents? Loads of good stuff? Or are you like me and coming up blank? Ugh.
Win a Beautiful, Naturally Soothing Teething Necklace For Your Little Chomper (CLOSED)
Q. How excited am I?
A. Ummm, super excited!
Q. Why?
A. Because the awesome folks over at Tiny Birds Organic Baby have generously offered this beautiful Baltic Amber Teething Necklace to one lucky TidbitsParenting winner!
Why Baltic Amber? ... A little info about the analgesic properties (some excerpts from the Tiny Birds website):
- Amber is a fossilized resin, not a stone. It is therefore warm to the touch and light to wear
- When amber is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases miniscule amounts of healing oils from the amber which are then absorbed via the skin
- Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, it is common to find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies
- As with any product with small parts, this necklace should be used under direct supervision of an adult
Wearing baltic amber close to the skin is a traditional European remedy for baby teething. Made from fossilized tree resin, leave the teething necklace in the sunshine to warm up and increase the natural analgesic power. Each teething bead is individually knotted and the necklace fastens with a screw clasp.
Only natural 100% authentic Baltic Amber is used to make Tiny Birds teething necklaces.
How to Buy It: If you just can't wait to get a soothing necklace for your little teething machine (aka baby) or to read a full product description and customer reviews, visit the Tiny Birds website.
How to Win It: 1 winner will receive the necklace pictured in the top pic and to the right, valued at $20!
Mandatory First Entry - visit Tiny Birds Organic Baby and then leave a comment here telling any other item you would love to take home from their huge selection: organic and all natural cloth diapering, mothering, nursing, BPA-free feeding, baby carriers, bath & bed, toys, organic clothing & shoes, and other products.
Additional Entry Opportunities:
- "Like" Tiny Birds Organic Baby on Facebook (3 bonus entries) (they do lots of promos and giveaways too so you'll be very glad you did)
- Blog about this giveaway. In your comment below make sure to put a link to your post (3 bonus entries)
- Follow TidbitsParenting via Google Friend Connect (if you already follow that counts too)
- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter (if you already follow that counts too)
- Tweet about this giveaway with a link to this page in your tweet. In your comment below make sure to put a link to your tweet (up to 3 bonus entries per day - 1 per tweet - 30 mins apart or more please)
- "Like" TidbitsParenting on Facebook (if you already like us that counts too)
- Grab the TidbitsParenting badge (on the right) and in your comment leave a link to your badged up blog homepage (3 bonus entries) (if you've already got the badge that counts too)
Please Note:
Just remember to leave a comment for EACH entry. For example, if you follow Tiny Birds on Facebook since that's worth 3 bonus entries make sure you leave 3 comments for that.
Make sure that I can reach you if you win - via email or Twitter. We will contact the winner on October 1 and they will have 48 hours to claim the prize or we will choose a different winner.
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on September 30. Open to US & Canada. We will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest! Also - I was in no way compensated for hosting this giveaway.
Congratulation to the winner of this giveaway with comment #17 Chrissyb! I'll be contacting you via email & twitter. Thanks to everyone for entering!
Thrift Score!
Few things make me happier than scoring something really really super unique and awesome for Otto and paying, like, nothing for it. Twice recently we've gotten some amazing "thrift scores" and I just wanted to share.
We found this Ryan's Room fire station set at the Tucson new/used children's boutique, Lil' Traders. It's in near-perfect condition and came with a firehouse, firetruck, 8 firefighters, and loads of furniture and accessories. It's almost entirely made of wood!
My friend Kate, who is also a contributer to this blog, found this Radio Flyer Retro Rocket at the thrift store. It needed a spit-shine but is now in perfect condition including all the buttons for sounds, nifty thrifty! I looked it up online and had we purchased this new it would have cost about $50-70! Kate thrift scored it for $5 - hot damn!
$5 = Score!
What are your all-time favorite thrift scores? I have so many but these are my most recent triumphs. My all-time fave, though, was a lime green Kurt Cobain-style cardigan I got in the 11th grade for $2!
We found this Ryan's Room fire station set at the Tucson new/used children's boutique, Lil' Traders. It's in near-perfect condition and came with a firehouse, firetruck, 8 firefighters, and loads of furniture and accessories. It's almost entirely made of wood!
I looked it up online and had we purchased this new it would have cost about $150! Lil' Traders was selling the whole caboodle for $33 and we used trade credit to buy it so our out of pocket cost was $0.
$0 = Score!
My friend Kate, who is also a contributer to this blog, found this Radio Flyer Retro Rocket at the thrift store. It needed a spit-shine but is now in perfect condition including all the buttons for sounds, nifty thrifty! I looked it up online and had we purchased this new it would have cost about $50-70! Kate thrift scored it for $5 - hot damn!
$5 = Score!
What are your all-time favorite thrift scores? I have so many but these are my most recent triumphs. My all-time fave, though, was a lime green Kurt Cobain-style cardigan I got in the 11th grade for $2!
Thursday's Friends and Giveaways - A Bloghop For Lovely Lovelies!
Gah, so excited! TidbitsParenting was chosen as the co-host of this week's fabulous Thursday's Friends and Giveaways bloghop!
This bloghop is updated each Thursday and hosted by Menopausal New Mom and Tammy's Two Cents with a different co-host chosen each week. I love these ladies and this bloghop and I've found so many awesome new blogs to follow by doing this bloghop each week. Please join in! Yay!
This bloghop is updated each Thursday and hosted by Menopausal New Mom and Tammy's Two Cents with a different co-host chosen each week. I love these ladies and this bloghop and I've found so many awesome new blogs to follow by doing this bloghop each week. Please join in! Yay!
Rosemary 'n Black Pepper Quick Bread (No Machine) That Makes Amaaaaaazing Bruschetta!
Nom! Nom! And here's the recipe, cuz...
Rosemary & Black Pepper Quick Bread Recipe:
This is a modified recipe, based on Joy of Cooking's "Mediterranean Olive Bread" ...
- Preheat oven to 350'
- Grease a loaf pan
- Get all of the following measured and ready cause you're gonna stir em all together at once:
First things first I'm going to give you the recipe for the quick bread because it stands alone as delicious, moist, cakey bread that makes great toast or would sop up soup in a heavenly fashion or you can just sit there at the pan and eat handfuls of it like I did. I was inspired to make Rosemary & Black Pepper bread by Whitney (aka Waddlebug) from The (Un)Balancing Act of Motherhood; she has a recipe on her blog for a bread machine loaf that I was (sigh) unable to attempt because I lack the key appliance! Whitney is a cool chick and she's a great source for gluten and dairy free recipes!
This is a modified recipe, based on Joy of Cooking's "Mediterranean Olive Bread" ...
- Preheat oven to 350'
- Grease a loaf pan
- Get all of the following measured and ready cause you're gonna stir em all together at once:
2 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
(or use brown rice flour for gluten-free, that's what I did)
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp dried rosemary or 3 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp ground black pepper plus a pinch
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup olive oil
- Stir it up!
- Dump batter into the loaf pan and spread evenly
- Bake for 40 to 45 minutes (or until a fork inserted into the center comes out clean)
- Let cool for a couple of minutes and then transfer to a plate (should pop right out if you run a butter knife around the edge)
- Try not to eat the whole loaf in one sitting!
Getting Bruschetta Freaky Deaky:
This bread made the freakiest deakiest bruschetta I've ever had. For reals. The bread melts in your mouth and the rosemary and black pepper just tasted phenomenal with the mozzarella and basil!
You Guys Are The Freaking Coolest! "Thank You" Giveaway! (CLOSED)
Once upon a time about 2 months ago I was feeling blue, disconnected, melancholy, unmotivated, etc. etc. etc. synonyms for "crappy". So I started this blog. My amazing friends Megan and Kate agreed to contribute blog posts which made me even more excited. I wanted a place where I could pour my creativity, energy, and love for parenting my son into something that was mine. I guess I needed a hobby I could be passionate about and the only thing I'm over-the-top passionate about is my family and being a mom to Otto.
When I started this, I just wanted to connect with other parents and learn from them and share with them. I never dreamed how welcoming the blog/Twitter community would be! In two short months I feel like I've made so many amazing new friends! I've also become addicted to reading all of your blogs!
So to say "Thank You! Muah! Muah! Muah! Muah!" I'm doing this giveaway of a pack of Crayola Bathtub Markers and a 4-pack of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. There is a little story behind this - one of my first blog posts was a scathing review of Crayola Bathtub Markers and about how now no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the stupid stains off of my bathtub. Well, I tried one more thing and it worked - you guessed it: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! They don't use that word "magic" lightly!
How to Win the Markers and Marker Stain Remover Set:
Entry is super easy, after all, this is a Thank You giveaway. There is NO MANDATORY entry and there are lots of ways to enter. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry!
- Just leave a comment below, any comment, about anything at all, and that's an entry :)
- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow me on Twitter (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow TidbitsParenting on Facebook (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Enter the SQuiP giveaway which is open through 8/15 then comment here that you did
- Enter Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway which is open through 8/31 then comment here that you did
This giveaway is open through September 15, 2010. Open to the US and Canada only. I'll choose a winner using random.org. Make sure I can reach you by leaving your email address or Twitter name within the comment.
Thank you! Thank you! Muah!
And the winner is Gianna with comment #139! I'll contact via email and if I don't hear back within 48 hours will choose a different winner.
When I started this, I just wanted to connect with other parents and learn from them and share with them. I never dreamed how welcoming the blog/Twitter community would be! In two short months I feel like I've made so many amazing new friends! I've also become addicted to reading all of your blogs!
How to Win the Markers and Marker Stain Remover Set:
Entry is super easy, after all, this is a Thank You giveaway. There is NO MANDATORY entry and there are lots of ways to enter. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry!
- Just leave a comment below, any comment, about anything at all, and that's an entry :)
- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow me on Twitter (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow TidbitsParenting on Facebook (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Enter the SQuiP giveaway which is open through 8/15 then comment here that you did
- Enter Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway which is open through 8/31 then comment here that you did
This giveaway is open through September 15, 2010. Open to the US and Canada only. I'll choose a winner using random.org. Make sure I can reach you by leaving your email address or Twitter name within the comment.
Thank you! Thank you! Muah!
And the winner is Gianna with comment #139! I'll contact via email and if I don't hear back within 48 hours will choose a different winner.
Confession: I Throw Away My Husband's Dirty Socks
Theresa from Rock On Mommies launched Pet Peeve Monday today and I'm in love with her idea! Getting out the negative rants early in the week so you can focus on the lovely stuff; it's a great concept. So I racked my brain thinking of all the things that annoy me in this world. There are thousands, not the least of which are teenagers (yup, just teenagers in general, that's how I know I'm getting old at 32), or people who don't smile or say hi back to Otto when we're at the store or park (effing jerks), but my biggest pet peeve, the one that takes the cake, is finding dirty socks strewn loosey-goosey around my home! The perp: my darling dearest husband of 13 years, who, for reasons I can't really explain right now, I'm going to refer to as "Pepper".
I could go on and on about the years of begging, pleading, writing sternly worded notes on paper, writing sternly worded notes in sharpie on the socks themselves, holding socks for ransom, freaking out, and even crying that I have sadly waded through trying to convince Pepper that it is rude, dirty, inconsiderate, and just disgusting (and actually makes him a bad person) to leave his dirty socks sprinkled around the house. Nothing got through. Until the day I started throwing his socks away...
At first I didn't tell him. It just felt so good. I'd see the socks lying there and instead of picking them up and throwing them in the hamper, as I'd always done in the past (basically just giving him fresh ammo for the next time), instead, I'd pick those stupid socks up and throw them away! My heart would race; it was thrilling! And not another word was said.
This went on for weeks. Until one day he finally noticed that he really didn't have any socks left. There were no man socks in the house.
He confronted me. I fessed. He was shocked. I was electrified! We both laughed. He couldn't believe it. I felt awesome!
That was about four years ago. I think the last time I threw one of Pepper's socks away was last week. That's right, he didn't stop. Buuuuut, he's definitely toned it down. And I still get a thrill throwing his socks away. I love it! I know it's totally wasteful and stupid, but it's our balance and it makes me happy. I used to be sour and unhappy every time I saw one of those things in my home. Now I get a huge smile on my face! It means I get to be devilish! So I guess I turned my justifiable peeve into a creepy fetish but who cares, haha.
Peeve vented. Thanks Theresa! And shout out to @EricaZHR another Pet Peeve Monday supporter!
So what are your pet peeves? And how do you deal with them?
I could go on and on about the years of begging, pleading, writing sternly worded notes on paper, writing sternly worded notes in sharpie on the socks themselves, holding socks for ransom, freaking out, and even crying that I have sadly waded through trying to convince Pepper that it is rude, dirty, inconsiderate, and just disgusting (and actually makes him a bad person) to leave his dirty socks sprinkled around the house. Nothing got through. Until the day I started throwing his socks away...
At first I didn't tell him. It just felt so good. I'd see the socks lying there and instead of picking them up and throwing them in the hamper, as I'd always done in the past (basically just giving him fresh ammo for the next time), instead, I'd pick those stupid socks up and throw them away! My heart would race; it was thrilling! And not another word was said.
This went on for weeks. Until one day he finally noticed that he really didn't have any socks left. There were no man socks in the house.
He confronted me. I fessed. He was shocked. I was electrified! We both laughed. He couldn't believe it. I felt awesome!
That was about four years ago. I think the last time I threw one of Pepper's socks away was last week. That's right, he didn't stop. Buuuuut, he's definitely toned it down. And I still get a thrill throwing his socks away. I love it! I know it's totally wasteful and stupid, but it's our balance and it makes me happy. I used to be sour and unhappy every time I saw one of those things in my home. Now I get a huge smile on my face! It means I get to be devilish! So I guess I turned my justifiable peeve into a creepy fetish but who cares, haha.
Peeve vented. Thanks Theresa! And shout out to @EricaZHR another Pet Peeve Monday supporter!
So what are your pet peeves? And how do you deal with them?
CLOSED - This Ain't Your Mama's Review & It's Not Your Mother's Giveaway! Fonzie!
Not Your Mother's - Styling Products...
Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray - 2 Reviews:
We were sent 2 bottles of Not Your Mother's "Beach Babe" Texturizing Sea Salt Spray to review and this worked out perfectly because I was headed to the San Diego beaches to visit my mama friend Annie. I brought along a bottle to try out while there & then left it with Annie so she could try it out and write her own review. I kept the 2nd bottle at home and I'm not sharing! I love it!
Note that Annie and I have completely different kinds of hair so although we both have positive reviews, it's nice to note that this spray worked well for both of our hair types.
Annie's Beach Babe Summation:
Not Your Mother's "Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray" touts itself as giving your locks an I-spent-the-morning-at-the-beach allure. Which indeed it does, as I witnessed on the waving tresses of the lovely Lindsey when she and her family were visiting us here in San Diego. I, however, have no natural wave to speak of. Also, I always wear my hair up in a bun or chignon as I have a super-strong ten month old son who LOVES to pull it! I wouldn't normally pick this product for myself for the aforementioned reasons, but it turns out it is great for me! In addition to being super straight, my hair is also super fine and slippery, and it is constantly falling out of its 'do. When I use this spray, it adds a nice texture to my hair so that when it is in its perpetual up-do it stays put--amazing! Without the spray, it falls out all day long. A real pain. "Beach Babe" has a nice limey, coconut scent that floats around your head, not overbearing, just light and tasty. In conclusion: a keeper.
My Beach Babe Experience:
I thought it would be more fun to give my review in pics. So I documented my hair stylings the other day and plus I'm getting all crazy with the photo editor lately so it gave me an excuse to go nuts on these! So here's my review:
In other words, I really love it! It smells like summertime: coconut, salt, and flowery sweet.
How to Buy It:
You can purchase the whole Not Your Mother's line of products on the DeMert Brands website HERE.
How to Win Your Choice of 2 Not Your Mother's Products:
The Giveaway - 1 winner will get their choice of 2 styling products from the Not Your Mother's line:
- She's a Tease - volumizing hairspray
- She's a Tease - volumizing hairspray
- All Eyes On Me - shape & shine hairspray
- Beach Babe - texturizing sea salt spray
- Beat The Heat - thermal styling shield spray
- Smooth Moves - frizz control hair cream
- Kinky Moves - curl defining hair cream
How to Enter:
- Mandatory First Entry - leave a comment telling me which 2 Not Your Mother's products you would choose if you won. It's that easy!
Additional Entry Opportunities:
- Follow Not Your Mother's on Twitter (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow that counts too)
- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow me that counts too)
- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow me that counts too)
- Tweet about this giveaway with a link to this page in your tweet. In your comment below make sure to put a link to your tweet (up to 3 bonus entries per day - 1 per tweet - 30 mins apart or more please)
- Like Not Your Mother's on Facebook (2 bonus entries) (if you already like them that counts too)
- Like Not Your Mother's on Facebook (2 bonus entries) (if you already like them that counts too)
- Like TidbitsParenting on Facebook (2 bonus entries) (if you already like us that counts too)
- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow us that counts too!)
- Grab the TidbitsParenting badge (on the right) and in your comment leave a link to your badged up blog homepage (4 bonus entries) (if you've already got the badge that counts too)
Please Note:
Just remember to leave a comment for EACH entry. For example, if you follow us on Facebook since that's worth 2 bonus entries make sure you leave 2 comments for that.
Make sure that I can reach you if you win - via email or Twitter. We will contact the winner on September 1 and they will have 48 hours to claim the prize or we will choose a different winner.
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on August 31st. We will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest!
The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and the fabulous Annie's.
- Lindsey
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on August 31st. We will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest!
The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and the fabulous Annie's.
- Lindsey
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