Currently is a weekly link-up hosted by the smokin' hot super mom ♥ Randalin of Harvesting Kale and I am super happy to be co-hosting the series with her. I hope that you can participate by writing your own Currently post (using the provided themes or your own) and please join us by linking up. This week, around these parts, we have been...
Visiting about the best and worst parts of our day. Every night at Otto's bedtime we cuddle and talk about our favorite and least favorite things that happened that day. I love to hear about his golden moments at school, usually playing pirates or superheroes (but sometimes they play "rat face dogs" o_O? ) with this friends. His favorite is often just whatever he had for dinner or whatever game we played that night, which makes me smile. His least favorite tends to be some moment when one of his playmates shoved him, knocked him down, declared they were no longer best friends, or otherwise did him a disservice (those preschool kids are drama)... My favorite is usually the time we spend laying there talking about our days.
Working a lot a lot. I've been at my new job for a month now and am still getting a feel for the place, the people, and the role. It's stressful and I feel ungrounded.
Creating sleep. That is a fancy way of saying I've been passing out with Otto during his 7pm bedtime all week. I think the past month with its new job-ness and everyone in the family contracting the plague-ness finally caught up with me. I do still wake up about 3 times a night with Loretta and then up for the day between 4 and 5 am every day so it's not quite as indulgent as it sounds, but still, it's been a lot of sleeping this week.
Loving my family but for the love, would they just come together for a cute sibling shot every ONCE IN A WHILE? Oh, the answer to that is, "Ummmm, no."
Missing my best friend. We are supposed to book club (by phone) once a week but one of us always passes out asleep before our scheduled times. We are making slow progress through the book but I still love that we have an "excuse" to talk regularly. She has a 5 month old and a 5 year old... so between us it's difficult to find a non-exhausted moment but we are trying.
That was this week. Here are next week's themes:
eating, drinking, listening, reading, thinking