Can I get a do-over for this week? Please?
Currently is a weekly link-up hosted by the lovely (and currently sick, go send her virtual vegan chicken soup) Randalin of Harvesting Kale and I am super happy to be co-hosting the series with her. I hope that you can participate by writing your own Currently post (using the provided themes or your own) and please join us by linking up. This week, around these parts, we have been...
Loving the little handful of things that are going right. Because everything is going haywire. I started a new position on Monday as the director of public relations for a large software firm, an amazing opportunity that I'm super excited about! PR is the kind of job where your job is literally your ability to make a great impression... And then Loretta came down with her first ever real "sickness" on Monday. So I had to leave work early on my very first day to get Loretta. There is a lot more to go on about... like I need to make friendship bracelets for the staff at Urgent Care because we are like *this* now... but the end of my fun rant is just to say that it's now Thursday and this week can eat it. Also I know some of you amazing moms who are dealing with actual crises right now, living through weather emergencies and actually struggling, and it kind of puts my own stress in perspective and makes me feel like an asshole for complaining. Still, a do-over please? I wish a better week for all of us!
Wishing a thousand wishes for really boring things like a healthy baby and the ability to stick to my meal plan next week. Wishing for a pair of brown boots. Wishing for a backrub from George Clooney.
Craving fountain soda. My one work indulgence and most unhealthy thing I "eat" is I usually get a diet fountain soda almost every day but this week has been a hot mess and I'm suffering withdrawals. Need ice, straw, coke zero!
Worrying take a guess :) I'm worried that I've made the impression that I'm a drama person at my new job. The fact is that I would judge someone who came in and then took a day+ off their first week. I'm relatively judgey about this stuff and I know I'd be side-eyeing like a pro! It makes me want to cry. Ugh. I'm so not a drama person! I am boring! Dull as dirt. I shall prove it to them.
That was this week. Here are next week's themes:
wondering, loathing, cooking, reaading, listening