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The deal: Use our themes or use your own - just let us know what is 'currently' going on with you. Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other bloggers linking up - especially to my amazing co-host Randalin of Harvesting Kale.
This week's themes:
loving, reading, choosing, designing, wondering
We have all been Loving a little kitten named Rosie. We get to pet-sit her for a couple of weeks and we were excited for Otto to get a chance to practice feeding schedules and litter clean-up and for the family to get a sense of what it will be like when we get Otto his birthday kitten. Well it turns out we may have a problem because Rob's eyeballs don't seem to love kitten essence. He woke up after a night of kitten sofa snuggles with demon eyes yesterday and through all kinds of scientific testing (take a shower, go for a walk outside) we are pretty sure they were the classic demon eyes of a cat allergy. So he is like, "maybe we can't get a kitten," and I am like, "well I guess we will have to find a less allergenic kitten and you will need to wash your hands more." Cat standoff?
I'm currently Reading a beautiful, quiet book called Stoner which the New Yorker called, "The greatest American novel you've never heard of." I don't know if it's for everybody, but it's for me. And I'm looking forward like CRAZY to reading Wild with the Ladies Who Book Club. We are reading for the month and then discussing towards the end of January. All interested ladies should join us. We are the best book club in the world <-- fact.="" p="">
Last night the kids had their Winter Concert at school and Loretta was almost Choosing to skip the stage and hang out in the audience. She was pretty overwhelmed by the whole show and cried, just a bit, but I was proud of my brave girl for eventually standing up there with her classmates. Just standing. No singing. Refused to dance. Just a scowling, darling statue of misery with terror eyes. And Otto, you guys, Otto was doing like Michael Bolton-level emotion faces while singing Michael Jackson's "Heal the World" with his class.
I am in the beginning stages of Designing just a handful of things that will be a part of a shop launch in the New Year (hopefully February). I'm not trying to be coy, but there is a lot of fear in my heart as I kick off this little business that's been dancing in my head for days and in and out of months and over a year... So anyways, to be designing feels really amazing and I cannot wait to share more here in just a couple of months!
Otto has been Wondering what could possibly be in all of the packages under the tree. Not a thing from Mom and Dad. We haven't wrapped a single gift. But his Nanas and Papas sent huge boxes full of packages and so under our tree looks ridiculous right now. So much Christmas magic for a near-six year old!
Next week and the next:
'Currently' is taking some time off for the holidays! See you back here in the New Year!!