The deal: Use our themes or use your own - just let us know what is 'currently' going on with you. Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other bloggers linking up - especially to my amazing co-host Randalin of Harvesting Kale.
This week's themes:
dancing, cooking, losing, clearing, sharing
We have all been Dancing to the holiday station on the radio and also lots of Michael Jackson. Rob thinks he can moonwalk, so there's that to witness. Ours is a dance party house and I can't help but stop and smile and hope we will always be a dance party house, no matter how old the kids get.
Oh guys, in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, not a whole lot of Cooking goes on around here. We are pinching pennies and so so busy. I guess I've been cooking a lot of frozen pizzas and cooking up crescent rolls and Costco's broccoli cheese soup. Almost all meals these days are some combination of fast-to-make and bread-based with cheese as an ingredient.
I wish I could say I've been Losing those last 10 pounds and doing sit-ups like GI Jane but it would be a wild lie.
Same as cooking, not much Clearing has been going on around here lately either. We are gathering stocking stuffers and gifts for the kids and tucking them away out of sight... Cards from friends and family... Catalogs (which, who knew catalogs were even still a thing - I think I have a tree's worth from the past few weeks and Otto couldn't be happier. He loves them). In a few weeks I'm sure we'll feel a need to clear everything, sort, donate, organize, unclutter, but right now it's like charming holiday clutter and we're just wallowing in it.
Loretta has been Sharing in all that we do quite aggressively lately. She is very ready to be a big girl and to do all. the. things. She drags a chair into the kitchen to help do dishes and bake. She helps Otto clean up the toy room. She folds towels, mostly small ones that she rolls like crepes. When she takes her shoes off she throws them to the shoe bucket and if they don't make it she yells, "I missed!" She chooses books for story time. She plays board games. She picks out her own clothes - and God help us cause the girl is tacky. Anyways, it's so nice to have her take an equal part in the little things that make up our daily life. She and her brother just light up our home.
Next week's theme's:
loving, reading, choosing, designing, wondering
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