
#MummyTummy August! The Ab Ripped-ness Continues!

The Mama of Mojo is taking the #MummyTummy reigns for the month of August! Love that Mojo Mama! Click the link below to sign up!

#MummyTummy is a Twitter based ab workout club that I started last month. You get 4 dedicated #mummytummy tweets per day each one a reminder to do a set of 20 crunches, situps, or whatever ab workout you're comfortable with.

Sign up for the August #MummyTummy at The Mama of Mojo website by commenting your Twitter name on this blog post: http://www.mojomamablog.com/2010/07/mummytummy-part-deux.html

I'm all signed up already and hope to see you there too! My mantra for August "No More Muffin Top!"

ps. You can follow Mojo Mama on Twitter here and I'm on Twitter here.


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