
currently... hot garbage today, new york tomorrow

Good 3 in the morning! Coming at you LIVE from Cool Girls Insomnia Club, whoohoo. Yay.

Currently is a weekly link-up with  Randalin of Harvesting Kale ♥ and I am her happy co-host each week. I hope that you can participate by writing your own Currently post (using our themes or your own) and please join us by linking up. What have you been changing, remembering, needing, cleaning, feeling this week? Over here, we have been...

Changing coasts, tomorrow! Guys, I am taking a 3-day ladies weekend to NYC. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of! So many feelings about this trip. Mostly joy to see some of my favorite people in the whole world. I'm also weirdly excited for my days of transit there and back. This must be a mom thing right? I'm just thinking of being forced to sit for hours and hours while someone brings me sodas and I have to READ or NAP for entertainment. Is flying mom heaven? And then I'm a little anxious to be leaving the kiddos. Rob will do great, but I'll be worried about all three of them until the minute I'm back. Worry does not keep me from reading, napping, or eating loads and loads and loads of vacation food. And maybe a little shoppy shoppy? This trip is going to be super good for my soul, I think. Much needed says the mom who's been awake all night. Let's hear it for New York!

Remembering baby cuddles. Is there something in our dna that makes having an 18 month old equal the onset of baby fever? I have been awake for 26 hours with a very grouchy small person, why do I keep looking at Loretta and thinking I could do this one more time. Because no, I probably couldn't, it would actually kill me, stupid animal brain.

Needing sweaters and warm drinks and extra blankets. How is it fall already? And I'm not even complaining. Tall boots, tights, and scarves = bring it! I think for this fall I want to invest in some really great t-shirts, find some great vintage pants, and a nice pair of brown mary janes. The PNW has infested my bloodstream it seems, because the shoes I picture are way more Dansko than they should be.

Cleaning my face. I saw a beauty routine post on another blog a while back and it inspired me to get my face maintenance routine in order. So I did and I'm enjoying some amazing skin. Important for a sleep deprived thirty-five year old lady! I was thinking of sharing that here. I'm adding that to the post backlog which now includes: talking about pot roast AND talking about good face stuff for old mom gals. Scintillating, eh?

Feeling a soft little fuzzy head grinding against my chin as I type. This wild child is a sweet thing even if she is a demanding lunatic a-hole sometimes. Being yowled awake at 11pm, 1am, and 3am gives me license to call my darling an a-hole. She can't read. She's happy in my lap with crackers. I get to secretly think this kind of sucks even if she is warm and soft and jabbering about stickers. Cuddling a sweet little lady while you try to jam out a blog post fueled by coffee, I don't really mind it. But I'm SO going to look like hot garbage at work today, so I'm super looking forward to that.
That was this week. Here are next week's themes: 
leading, following, sipping, thinking, smiling 


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