
currently - look at my giant face - link up

The deal: Use our themes or use your own - just let us know what is 'currently' going on with you! Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other bloggers linking up - especially to my amazing co-host at Harvesting Kale.

This week's themes: learning, making, loving, reading, smelling

So that big face photo is coming atcha live from me writing this post. Black and white because no makeup and cuz BW makes my dirty windows look like fairy magic. I did the unthinkable and moved my laptop from the downstairs desk. Right? I am actually a genius. Gone portable. Blogging from bed. Forgot to bring beer up. Still, this feels pretty rad.

This week I have been Learning that bucket lists really do come true. Especially if you have a super boring bucket list like mine. One of the things I've always wanted to do is become jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts with my kids and always have a puzzle going in the house. Well that has begun! We have a 550 piece Mario Kart puzzle officially started on the kitchen table. Otto's into it enough; I plan to feed that fire until his puzzle enthusiasm bursts from his core like rays of sunlight. Anyways, we're doing a puzzle and it's like I'm living in my own fantasy.

Loretta has been Making airplanes full of innocent people duck for cover as she threw a series of crackers up and behind her, single file, hand over fist, so fast I could barely pin her little hands down. It was raining crackers, so that was fun. She also peed on me while at the airport and dropped a deuce while in-flight and ladies and gentlemen all I can say about that is that I deserve about eleven merit badges for traveling with my daughter, who is wonderful, and hilarious, but seriously a pain in the ass.

Otto has been Loving spending this week at home with his dad and sister. Summer camp will start for him next week and this week it's just been all kinds of park walks and outings and yard popsicles. I'm pretty sure Rob lets him sneak-watch "rough" shows like Ninja Turtles. He's living the sweet life.

The Ladies Who Book Club has been Reading How Remarkable Women Lead and I'm not sure our chapter/week pace is the best thing for this book but still, I'm feeling pretty inspired by it. We'd love to have you in this group, join us! And we have big plans to start reading a less self-helpy book next for a change of pace, so potentially we'll be reading Wild starting sometime next month. Excited!

Smelling is one thing I haven't been doing much of this week. Allergies have brought me pretty low and my neti pot has been all like, "Lindsey, dude, back off." I was so sure I'd escaped my annual chronic cough this Spring and then bam, I'm disgusting. So hopefully this gorgeous rainy night is washing away all the pollen and I'll wake up feeling like a million bucks.

That was this week and here are next week's themes:
managing, missing, thinking, creating, looking 

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