
currently - link up

The deal: Use our themes or use your own - just let us know what is 'currently' going on with you! Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other bloggers linking up - especially to my amazing co-host at Harvesting Kale.

This week's themes: celebrating, growing, playing, setting, feeling

This week we were Celebrating times with the best of friends. We were lucky enough to spend our FOUR DAY WEEKEND HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA ALL OVER TOWN with some people we've known and loved since we were kids ourselves. Sure, for some of you, that's no big deal and you can say, "pish" and stroll to your best friends' houses any day of the week to watch CSI or whatever you do. But we are living in BFE (love ya, Eugene) for a five year stint while Rob's finishing his degree and it's just a really amazing thing when we're able to spend time with, and laugh with, and bask in the radness of our lifelong friends. Some of them are living in Portland, some were visiting Portland, and it just worked out so great this weekend and reminded me that old friends are truly gold.

Here's one to make you not want to make out with me. I have been Growing my armpit hair. Meow, Sailor. Neat right? I know. I'm tempted to leave out the explanation part but I probably ought to. It's not because I'm becoming European or getting really into barefoot hiking or anything interesting like that. I made the mistake of putting lavender extract in my homemade deodorant and it gave me a rash. Until my sensitive pits feel like a million bucks again I'm not harassing them with a razor. Luckily I live in Eugene, Oregon (high profile city in my post this week for some reason) a town where people free run in their underwear and white person dreadlocks are like a thing, and so I'm in a good place to blitz out with my pitz out while coming down off an armpit rash.

Otto and Loretta have been Playing in the back yard every single day. Sunshine, popsicles, and a hose with a sprayer attachment. That's all kids really need. It's been all kinds of magic.

I have been Setting aside me time to read Gone Feral by Novella Carpenter and loving every second of it. I was so excited when I found out she was publishing again... and I'm already getting sad about the fact that I'll have read the whole thing by this weekend.

As a family, we have been Feeling very appreciative of summer weather, summer schedules, and each other. It's beyond nice that the more time Otto gets to spend with us the more time he wants to spend with us. In the mornings this week he's been begging me to draw with him, play board games, chit chat. It pretty much tears my guts out that I have to give him just a few minutes of time or take a raincheck so I can get ready for work. Ugh. But we party in the afternoons and all weekend long. Loretta has become a little puzzle master, though you gotta watch her because she likes to go all rabid maniac on puzzles and fling the pieces everywhere which makes me feel CRAZY. And one thing I'm really excited about that we just started doing together every night is Otto reading to ME at bedtime. I know the years where your kids just really want to hang out with you can be kind of short-lived so I'm just soaking this up and wallowing in it. I love it.

That was this week and here are next week's themes:
saving, closing, loving, despising, throwing 

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