
Otto's Big Boy Room Makeover

so i was all kinds of tempted to call this post "Jewels Phone App and Snuggling George Washington" because i'm still rocking this uninspired-womp-womp funk and spent the last few days snuggled up whenever i could, under covers, either playing this phone app that's like the old 90s game Bejeweled or reading my George Washington bio "Washington, A Life". so yeah, i just won the 2011 So Cool She's Fonzie, Ayyyyy award, right? but i'm honestly trying to jump my motorcycle over these blues. i really am! ayyyyy.

we even went out this weekend. socialized! on a bagels-and-coffee-in-the-park playdate with Katherine and Rylee of Little Miss Rylee blog. that mama is rad; totally fun time. and then on sunday we went to a neighbor's little boy's first birthday party. i made friendly with a few moms at that party and we might all go swimming with the kiddos later this week. see, Lindsey, things are looking UP! i says to myself. still, the Jewels and Founding Father are calling my name, "lindsey, come snuggle, i can not tell a lie, i need you and more cheetos, lindseeeey, don't shower!" must. not. snuggle. dead. president. any. more.

ok, i'm pretty sorry about all that nonsense. if you're still with me i'll totally butt-thump a jukebox to play your song. ayyyy. and now, onto a few pics of Ot's new big boy room. he really loves it...
we're really excited about the shiny red clock. now in the mornings when Otto wakes up (usually having crawled into bed with us) (and usually at the first sign of sunrise, like 5am, egad) we put him in his room with the baby gate up and show him "when the big hand gets to *this* you can wake us up". it's a teeny step towards telling time and he's been really great about it, watching the clock and playing independently every morning for about 30 minutes before the whole house JUST HAS TO GET UP. clock win!

ok, that's all i got. xoxo,

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Absolutely love his big boy room! so fun! Boyish and cool! Stopping by from Top Baby Blogs! :-)