The theme of this week's currently, at least over here on my keyboard, is cutting yourself some slack. I came home in tears last night, frustrated with every hurdle in my life and Rob said to me (paraphrased), "you are awesome, you are doing the best you can, you expect too much of yourself, cut yourself some slack." And then I promptly got mad at him, ha! But then after simmering down I appreciated his words, because it's true. We are our own worst critics. We suck to ourselves! Every one of us needs to take a moment to pat our back for all the things we're doing "ok" instead of criticizing ourselves for not being voted Rock Star of the Planet... maybe on the day all the laundry gets done my kids don't get to do a three-hour craft project while dressed like Gwen Stefani's kids and all of that during a nature hike. OH WELL. As long as they grow up to be decent, thoughtful people and as long as they love me (yes, Just Bieber ruined that line for me too) I am stoked on life.
Currently is a weekly link-up hosted by the sweet Randalin of Harvesting Kale and I am super happy to be co-hosting the series with her. I hope that you can participate by writing your own Currently post (using the provided themes or your own) and please join us by linking up. This week, around these parts, we have been...
Taking a break from pumping. A forever break. No wonder my emotions are boiling over! I am transitioning Loretta (who will be one in 2 weeks) to organic whole milk while at the sitter's. She is still free to nurse away, night and day, when I'm around but I needed that extra hour back in my day so when the last of my pumping bags ran out, that was that. As you can imagine, my feelings are mixed and muddied. Milestones of babies turning into toddlers are always bittersweet.
Giving pesto a chance. One of our meal plan ideas this week was "pasta with meatballs" this was Otto's suggestion. But poor Otto has eczema that tomato-based sauces really makes angry. When we were at the market I saw a section of locally-made organic sauces (yay for local small businesses) and snapped up the pesto alongside some veggie meatballs. We'll see if Rob goes for it. He is very loud about not loving pesto, although what's not to love? Pesto is all good things!
Teaching myself not to judge myself so harshly. A lesson I've tried to teach myself again and again in life. I wonder if I'll ever learn?
Learning ::question mark:: see "Teaching" above.
Looking at my beautiful daughter as she stands! She is now officially a stander and so proud of herself, clapping all the while! Looking at my beautiful son as he navigates, with some frustration, THE POWER OF FOUR. He is learning that politeness gets you everywhere. He is fighting the whine. He is frustrated often and sometimes downright sneaky. These are things he has to go through to become an awesome person. Our tactic is to try to not get impatient with him. He is, after all, four.
That was this week. Here are next week's themes:
visiting, working, creating, loving, missing

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