
currently... I love you more

Currently is a weekly link-up that I happily co-host with the fabulous and amazing  Randalin ♥ of Harvesting Kale. We hope that you can participate by writing your own Currently post (using our themes or your own) and please join us by linking up.

psst. Randalin is taking a few weeks off from regularly scheduled programming in order to snuggle a brand new baby girl. While she's away, we'll have two new co-hosts for Currently.

This week our co-host is Kate of Just Pirouette & Carry On. I adore Kate and you will too! She is the funnest, funniest, most earnest and honest and awesome mama of 2 adorable little lasses. She crochets and lives in England and scoffs sweets and says things like "scoffs sweets". I dream of one day sailing an ocean, just so I can hug her!

So! What have you been shoveling, ignoring, inhaling, hugging, throwing this week? Over here, we have been...

Shoveling snacks into our complaining faces and wallowing in comfort food and did I mention eating garbage? Snow and ice brought down many of the power lines in town and we ended up without electricity for about a day and a half over the weekend. If it were just Rob and I we would have camped out at home with candles and been cold but fine... but with the kiddos we decided that was a lot to ask. So instead, we went to a hotel (with a pool!) and made it a little adventure. It was so fun for Otto, he will remember it as the time of his LIFE at least until the next neat thing happens. He's been loudly wishing for a storm to knock down all the trees that are still standing so our power can go out again and we can go back to the hotel. I'm like, "dude, just wish for us to win the lottery and I'll take you to a hotel." Smart wishes, people! Anyways, OK, for Rob and I it was honestly a little trying. We got snacks and pizza and then came home Sunday to a fridge full of food that had to be tossed. Rather than doing a proper re-buy of quality foods to eat we got some more snacks and easy stuff to just get through this week and I'm pretty much looking forward to some legit grocery shopping this weekend.

Ignoring unshaved legs and a softball sized knee bruise (my boots turned to bobsleds after walking in the snow last Thursday and I fell down on a hardwood floor, while holding Etta, and bit it hard... She was fine but scared and the whole thing was awful and I'm so sore still, my poor weak hips!, and my knee bruise is large and in charge), a winter-perfected ultra squishy muffin top, and a whatever is the opposite of a Brazilian wax ::jazz hands:: in order to take my kiddos swimming in a heated pool during this snowpocalypse nonsense. This was not cuter than it sounds. It was fun though.

Inhaling this new bedtime banter that Otto and I have been doing lately. I think I say, "I love you," maybe too much (impossible I know). The words just pop out all the time. Anyways, at night when I say, "I love you," to Otto he says, "I love you more," and that starts a back and forth. We used to try to top each other with just how much we love each other. When he was three-ish he once said, "I love you bigger than the biggest tree," which is forever etched in my heart. Lately, it's become more of an inside joke for us. I say something along the lines of, "No, I definitely love you more. I was eating Chinese food and when I read the fortune cookie it said I LOVE YOU MORE!" and then Otto will say something like, "Well I was walking to school and the Incredible Hulk came over and smashed everything and yelled I LOVE YOU MORE!" We are hilarious. 

Hugging the stuffing outta my kids.

Throwing epic kitchen dance parties. For a good cry hold your daughter and dance to Silver Springs and imagine the day she gets married. Why are you so emo? Tonight was more high energy, turns out Loretta is a huge MIA fan.

That was this week and here are next week's themes:
snapping, stopping, spending, starting, skipping 

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