
Lil' Traders - Tucson Kids & Maternity New/Used Boutique - Coupon!

Earlier this month I did a post called Thrift Score with a shout out to the local Tucson new & used kids boutique Lil' Traders. Well, one thing led to another and before you know it we're hosting an exclusive coupon to Lil' Traders as well as a giveaway contest for a $25 gift certificate!

How I Found & Fell For Lil' Traders:
When I was pregnant with Otto (he's now almost 20 months, omg where did the time go?) anyways, when I was pregnant I started showing at around 3 months along. No kidding, my gut (and butt and boobs) just "boop" flew out there. Well, anyways, I needed maternity clothes STAT and I did NOT want to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes I would wear for only a few months. I had seen Lil' Traders when shopping at Bookmans and thought I'd give them a try. I went in looking for clothes for me and I left with I think 2 pairs of maternity pants, a few tops, and about ten gender-neutral baby outfits that I was like cuddling and drooling over! Baby Gap, Oilily, Children's Place - like really really nice baby clothes that I don't think I paid more than $5 for any single outfit! I fell in love, and was instantly hooked!

I continued to stock up on darling kids clothes at Lil' Traders throughout my pregnancy as well as ever-growing maternity clothes (yes, I ended up an XL, whatever, ice cream is GOOOOOD.). Then something incredible happened - I gave birth to my son! And he started to grow and I started to shrink! And suddenly all the moo-moos in my closet were too moo-moo'y and Otto (who weighed 9lb 12oz at birth) never set foot in a newborn garment and was quickly in need of size 6mo. So I started trading! And I never stopped. End of story.

Lil' Traders is Buy/Sell/Trade (same idea as Buffalo Exchange for adults) and carries childrens clothing from size preemie to 14 as well as maternity and nursing apparel for mamas. They also carry all kinds of gear, from cribs, strollers, and high chairs to baby wearing, car seats, decor, really you name it. And toys, dress up clothes, sports apparel like dance shoes & cleats, books, dvds, and games. 

!! The Giveaway Portion of this post is now CLOSED

Congratulations to Anna, with comment #12 you are the winner of a $25 gift certificate to Lil' Traders! I will contact you via email. Thank you to everyone for entering this giveaway and feel free to use the coupon (below)!

The Coupon! See, Everyone's a Winner!
We are very excited that Lil' Traders has offered our readers an exclusive coupon for $2.50 off any purchase or $5 off a purchase of $20 or more! All you need to do is print the below coupon and take it with you on your next visit!

Click coupon image below to open larger coupon for you to print! 

Please note: Limit one coupon per customer.

Lil' Traders is located at 6216 East Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85712 in the Bookmans plaza (link to google map).

I was in no way compensated for this review/giveaway/coupon.



Abby Green said...

I went to Lil Traders for the first time thanks to your earlier post! I am now in love (LOVE!) with that place!

Anonymous said...

Too funny, I literally just came back from there within the past 30 minutes.

Jen said...

OK dear, you know we love LTs too, so here's an go at winning the prize!

Jen said...

Additional entry for liking LTs on FB.

Jen said...

I *do* like tidbits parenting on FB! :-)

Unknown said...

I got some great maternity clothes here as well as some outfits for Davis after he was born. I must admit we haven't been to LTs in a while since my mom shops for him at Casa de los Ninos every few months.

Unknown said...

I am a Lil Traders Regular! mauravarley at gmail dot com

Megan said...

Owen loves playing cash register and lego phone while I quickly go through the racks.

Amy said...

Glad to find you! abarrongafford at hotmail dot com

Cheri Hogan said...

Love Love Love Love Lil' Traders....I swear we are in there at least twice a week, but its more like 5. (shhh don't tell my hubby!)

Amy Lehrman said...

Thanks for the post, Lindsey! I gotta go through some of Alexander's clothes and see if they'll take anything soon. I didn't realize they sold maternity clothes too - good to know!

- amylehrman aaattt gmail dot u know what

acbphoto said...

acbphoto at hotmail dot com
Lil Traders is awesome! I also love that it is right next door to Bookman's and Beyond Bread - that's a lovely morning or afternoon waiting to happen! -Anna

acbphoto said...

I didn't realize they had a facebook page ... thank you!

Jen said...

Oh! I forgot to tell you that I used the LT coupon yesterday! I found $20 worth of stuff so I got $5 off -- it was great! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Tucson without Lil'Traders :)

OT and ET said...

Oh "Yay!!" jen that's awesome!

@Clccox2 I'm with you on that. It's a Tucson staple for sure!

Anonymous said...

Cute items offered.


Heather said...

My husband got our son's booster seat there for MUCH cheaper than it costs normally:) Great place!

Heather said...

Oops- forgot my e-mail address:) maceheather@hotmail.com

Happy Mama said...

Love Lil' Traders....My 9 month old daughter and I are there daily....sometimes multiple times....

Happy Mama said...

oops forgot to leave my email swtlittlebird@msn.com