
biscotti with dark chocolate and blueberries

with my maternity leave quickly coming to an end (sniff, sniff, i go back to work monday) i have to admit that i haven't been up to a lot of projects, no great crafts, nothing major cooked, done, or made. i've just been spending as much time as possible with this baby and loving every second of it. that said, Otto and i have done some baking, one of our favorite things to do together.

we recently made this super easy (a favorite!) biscotti recipe except using organic turbinado sugar, throwing in a tablespoon of ground flaxseed for fun, and adding in organic dark chocolate chips and dried blueberries. as you can see from the pics, the end result was a bit more crumbly than traditional biscotti. but omg they were so good!

i love this recipe because it's so easy, Otto can help me measure and mix the ingredients, and as far as cookies go it's pretty much on the healthy side. let me know if you try it i'd love to see if you've become a biscotti superfan like we are around here!

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