our little easter weekend was pretty sweet. no big deals. an egg hunt in the park. lots of time spent outside. a visit from the easter bunny. my first batch of devilled eggs a super yummy success.
a little castle community of egg people. best egg kit ever! thanks be to target. as always, i bow down. best store ever!
then, on saturday, a little roadtrip to a small town about a half hour outside of Eugene and an egg hunt in the park. we wore our easter finest.
can you believe that picture is even real?!!
Otto really wanted to get in on the grass-picture action, but he has such a hard time relaxing (he's so much like his mama it almost makes me sad) he seriously hated lying in the grass. so here is the siblings shot, i can't stop laughing...
such a beautiful day to be outside!
[MINI UPDATE - i'm linking up with Mandy at The Haps for her Stepping Out Easter Sunday post]
nursing in the open air. Loretta slept and/or nursed through the entire outing. happy first easter little lady...
this morning was pretty low-key as far as easter mornings go. Otto was a master egg finder. his "basket" was a bunch of new art supplies (including a new tub for his amaaazing thrifted stamp collection) and some candy to add to the massive bowl of candies he's gotten from his grandparents and our friends. after the excitement died down i made devilled eggs. then we all went to the park this afternoon. grade A day ♥nursing in the open air. Loretta slept and/or nursed through the entire outing. happy first easter little lady...
note the open cookbook on the counter. never made devilled eggs before! they are so easy. hurray!
happy spring, happy candy, happy kiddos, happy devilled eggs!
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