So I only get around to finding out about blog-world drama on the weekends. I'm tardy to the "OMG GFC is finally dying; wait didn't it already die? Well yeah kinda but now for real, kaput, dead!" party. So I am officially claiming my blog on Bloglovin' where it's been for a while but I never really did anything with it. I actually use my Google reader every now and again so from now on it'll be my Bloglovin' reader that I go-to when I have insomnia. I hope you decide to add Ot and Et to your Bloglovin' roll. In order to claim it they're asking me to post the following message, I'd be honored if you click the link and follow, gracias!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
And let's all wish a skunk-eyed RIP to GFC. Those morons. We loved you, GFC. You blew it. We're moving on ♥