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Not Your Mother's - Styling Products...

Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray - 2 Reviews:

We were sent 2 bottles of Not Your Mother's "Beach Babe" Texturizing Sea Salt Spray to review and this worked out perfectly because I was headed to the San Diego beaches to visit my mama friend Annie. I brought along a bottle to try out while there & then left it with Annie so she could try it out and write her own review. I kept the 2nd bottle at home and I'm not sharing! I love it!

Note that Annie and I have completely different kinds of hair so although we both have positive reviews, it's nice to note that this spray worked well for both of our hair types.

Annie's Beach Babe Summation:

Not Your Mother's "Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray" touts itself as giving your locks an I-spent-the-morning-at-the-beach allure. Which indeed it does, as I witnessed on the waving tresses of the lovely Lindsey when she and her family were visiting us here in San Diego. I, however, have no natural wave to speak of. Also, I always wear my hair up in a bun or chignon as I have a super-strong ten month old son who LOVES to pull it! I wouldn't normally pick this product for myself for the aforementioned reasons, but it turns out it is great for me! In addition to being super straight, my hair is also super fine and slippery, and it is constantly falling out of its 'do. When I use this spray, it adds a nice texture to my hair so that when it is in its perpetual up-do it stays put--amazing! Without the spray, it falls out all day long. A real pain. "Beach Babe" has a nice limey, coconut scent that floats around your head, not overbearing, just light and tasty. In conclusion: a keeper.

My Beach Babe Experience:

I thought it would be more fun to give my review in pics. So I documented my hair stylings the other day and plus I'm getting all crazy with the photo editor lately so it gave me an excuse to go nuts on these! So here's my review:

In other words, I really love it! It smells like summertime: coconut, salt, and flowery sweet.

How to Buy It:

You can purchase the whole Not Your Mother's line of products on the DeMert Brands website HERE. 

How to Win Your Choice of 2 Not Your Mother's Products:

The Giveaway - 1 winner will get their choice of 2 styling products from the Not Your Mother's line:

- She's a Tease - volumizing hairspray
- All Eyes On Me - shape & shine hairspray
- Beach Babe - texturizing sea salt spray
- Beat The Heat - thermal styling shield spray
- Smooth Moves - frizz control hair cream
- Kinky Moves - curl defining hair cream

How to Enter:

- Mandatory First Entry - leave a comment telling me which 2 Not Your Mother's products you would choose if you won. It's that easy!

Additional Entry Opportunities:

- Follow Not Your Mother's on Twitter (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow that counts too)

- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow me that counts too)

- Tweet about this giveaway with a link to this page in your tweet. In your comment below make sure to put a link to your tweet (up to 3 bonus entries per day - 1 per tweet - 30 mins apart or more please)

- Like Not Your Mother's on Facebook (2 bonus entries) (if you already like them that counts too)

- Like TidbitsParenting on Facebook (2 bonus entries) (if you already like us that counts too)

- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (2 bonus entries) (if you already follow us that counts too!)

- Grab the TidbitsParenting badge (on the right) and in your comment leave a link to your badged up blog homepage (4 bonus entries) (if you've already got the badge that counts too)

Please Note:
Just remember to leave a comment for EACH entry. For example, if you follow us on Facebook since that's worth 2 bonus entries make sure you leave 2 comments for that.

Make sure that I can reach you if you win - via email or Twitter. We will contact the winner on September 1 and they will have 48 hours to claim the prize or we will choose a different winner.

Giveaway ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on August 31st. We will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest!

The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and the fabulous Annie's.


- Lindsey


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susan1215 said...

Follow Not Your Mother's on Twitter susan1215 #1

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Like Not Your Mother's on Facebook Susan Smith #1

susan1215 said...

Like Not Your Mother's on Facebook Susan Smith #2

Ellia C. Naturals said...

Definitely Kinky Moves and Beat the Heat!

Breanne said...

I would like the Beach Babe - texturizing sea salt spray and Beat The Heat - thermal styling shield spray

Breanne said...

I follow Not Your Mother's on Twitter @RazzMyBerry 1

Breanne said...

I follow Not Your Mother's on Twitter @RazzMyBerry 2

Breanne said...

I follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter @RazzMyBerry 1

Breanne said...

I follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter @RazzMyBerry 2

Anonymous said...

I would choose the She's a Tease-volumizing hairspray and the All Eyes On Me-shape & shine hairspray. garrettsambo@aol.com

Bakersdozen said...

I would like "Beat The Heat" and "Kinky Moves". vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

cman said...

Kinky Moves - curl defining hair cream for my long curls.

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