
Wordless... Bestill My Heart at Trader Joe's



Sweet Harper said...

That's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Visit from Thursday friend and Giveway blog hop, Hope you have a great Thursday!
I'm following your blog. would love to get visit from you.


Tammy said...

Aaahhh, did you buy those for me??? That is precious!! :)

OT and ET said...

Thanks guys! I think he's pretty ok, haha! <3

Anonymous said...

omg, did you see my wed pic, it's of my son with flowers too! so cute!

OT and ET said...

I did! And in both cases I think the flowers pale in comparison to the boys' cuteness! :D

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow co-host friend. I am following back. What an awesome picture!


Aleksandra Nearing said...

What a precious little one!

Lucy postpartumillness.com said...

Can you say Hallmark card..

Jaimie said...

adorable :)