on mama: sweater (thrifted), maxi dress (Lauren Conrad from a clothing swap), boots (Delia's).

then we went to Target to gift shop for a birthday party we attended this afternoon, then Goodwill just because we had 20 minutes and it's right by Target. i found 3 really cute salad plates that are old and yellow and totally made me happy so that was a nice $3 score. then to our friends' house for lunch of gumbo and cornbread with maple butter. amazing! somewhere in there a plumber came and fixed our old house's cruddy pipes for the 2nd time this week. we've been without decent shower and unable to do laundry all week, which has made a crabby "nester" out of me since all i want to do is keep this house clean and tidy! then said party. and now, finally, chill out time. maybe even head-to-bed-at-8pm-time. i think yes!
otto was looking especially dashing and hamming it up especially heavily today -->
on the bot: sweatshirt (preloved), button up (levi's), pants (gymboree thrifted), sneaks (vans).
this made me laugh. ot in his room earlier yells to me so we have this conversation from different rooms...
otto: can i throw this in the garbage?
me: what is it?
otto: it's garbage
haha! basically, "duh, mom" well i hope you are all having super good weekends. how is it the end of february already??!!
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