
Lundberg Family Farms (GIVEAWAY CLOSED). And a Review!

Lundberg Family Farms® specialize in organic, gluten-free, and whole grain rice products and offer more than 150 healthful options. Check it...

At home, Otto eats organic 95% of the time (by design). Making sure I feed my son a well-balanced, chemical-minimized diet, is hugely important to me. (I truly believe garbage in, garbage out.) So when I got the opportunity to review a wholesome Lundberg product and host a giveaway... Ummm, yeah, of course I was all over it!

The Review...

We were given the opportunity to try any 1 Lundberg product. But when I was shopping at the Sunflower Market, I was overwhelmed by choices! Happy to say our local grocery carries a LOT of Lundberg. So I picked up 2 products and gladly considered my "1 free" coupon a "50% off 2" coupon instead. I chose Penne Organic Brown Rice Pasta as well as Spinach and Mushroom Risotto Florentine. They were both DELISH! My favorite was the brown rice pasta. I've tried various brands of brown rice pasta and have found the texture often leaves a bit to be desired. Not so this time. I actually followed the cooking instructions on the package (this is a giant step for man and a giant leap for mankind) and the pasta turned out perfectly al dente with a nice, earthy flavor similar to whole wheat pasta. I topped it with a homemade organic garlic & spinach white sauce, organic steamed peas, and freshly chopped up organic tomatoes. The whole family loooooved it. (Read: no leftovers)

How to Enter The Giveaway...

Congrats to "Sweet Bunna Bunny" with comment #54 the winner of this giveaway!

Many Entry Opportunities (none are mandatory); pick and choose the modes of entry that you like and remember to leave a comment for each):

- Tell me what product you might like from Lundberg Family Farms
- "Like" Lundberg on Facebook (also a good idea because they post coupons & recipe ideas)
- Follow TidbitsParenting via Google Friend Connect (see sidebar) 
- Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter

- Tweet the following and in your comment, put a link to your tweet (up to 3 bonus entries per day / 1 per tweet / 30 min apart or more please):

Win 2 Organic Gluten-free meals/products from Lundberg Family Farms. Your choice! http://tinyurl.com/2d6tjzs @OttosMomBlogs #Giveaway !

- "Like" TidbitsParenting on Facebook

- Grab TidbitsParenting badge (on the right) and in your comment leave a link to your badged up homepage (3 bonus entries)

- Vote for my blog on Picket Fence (click here: Picket Fence Blogs ) you can do this daily & I'd love it if you did!

Please Note:
Remember to leave a comment for EACH entry.
Please put your email or Twitter name in each comment so that I can reach you if you win. Once I contact the winner they will have 48 hours to claim the prize or we will choose a different winner.
Giveaway will be closed for new entries at 11:59pm Pacific Time on December 20. Open to US only. I will use Random.org to choose a winner and will verify that the winning entrant has played by the rules so it only makes sense to be honest! Note: I was in no way compensated for this post but did receive a coupon for 1 free product. The opinions are my own.


Anonymous said...

I entered! Tweeted it. @pickledparlor

kia said...

I'd love the brown rice syrup (I already use this product) and to try the roasted brown rice couscous.

kia said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/bodhi_bear/status/11636464391553025 and will try to remember to tweet when there is higher traffic

kia said...

I follow you on twitter as @bodhi_bear

kia said...

I follow you on GFC

kia said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence

Unknown said...

I would get the gluten free spaghetti for my daughter, Isabella is on a GF diet!

Unknown said...

I voted for you On picket fences!

Unknown said...


Melissa Taylor said...

we already are addicted to the brown rice cakes - even had those tonight w/ a little sunflower butter. YUM!

Melissa Taylor said...

follow you on Twitter @imaginationsoup

Melissa Taylor said...

following you on GFC now.

Heather said...

I follow you on twitter! <3

Heather said...

I voted for your site on Picket Fence!

Heather said...

I "liked" your FB page!

Alana said...

I eat their rice chips ALL THE TIME! I love the BBQ ones the best!

Alana said...

I follow you! DUH!

Alana said...

I like you!

Alana said...

I vote for you daily!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Purely Organic Hot 'n Creamy Rice Cereal.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Amber said...

I like Lundberg Family Farms on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I think i would love the Original Sea Salt Rice Chips!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I voted for you on Picket fence blogs
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like TidbitsParenting on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter- I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/11950001139752961
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Stephanie said...

Organic Risotto Alfredo
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to try the Organic Risotto Florentine and the Organic brown rice flour! We are gluten free and love Lundberg!

Unknown said...

I like Tidbits Parenting on FB

Unknown said...

I like Lundberg on FB.

Unknown said...

I voted for your blog on Picketfence!

LowdieLoo said...

I am trying to enter the giveaway but also really wanted to comment, I love the Christmas rice, makes a great salad with the fresh mandarins we have in the area, apples and a little light dressing with dried cranberries OR WHATEVER YOU WANT, pretty presentation. Also like the wild rice blends. I can't say enought about Lundbergs and spread the word to everyone I meet when talking about healthy eating.

Celiac Mami said...

Love all Lundberg gluten free products and so do my kids. Since being diagnosed, it is hard to find a rice product that does not have gluten unless it is totally homemade. Have liked Lundberg on FB some time ago and will like you too. It is hard for us to find the dairy free versions of Lundberg here so I would love to win this for our family of 5!

Maddy Mulanix said...

i would love to try the risottos.

Maddy Mulanix said...

i already "like" you on Facebook.

Maddy Mulanix said...

I "like" Otto's Mom's Blog

Maddy said...

i voted for you on Picketfence.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I want to try the rice chips

amy said...

i follow you on twitter!

amy said...

i tweeted! ;)

amy said...

i like you on fb! (amy mcgrath)

Eileen said...

I follow you on twitter :)

Eileen said...

The risottos look great!

5webs said...

I would love to try their Organic Risotto Florentine.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow you on GFC(5webs)
Alicia Webster

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said...

I would love to try the Porcini Mushroom Risotto!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Bunny said...

I'd love to try the Organic Risotto Alfredo

Bunny said...

I follow OttosMomBlogs on twitter (id: sweetbunnabunny)

Bunny said...


Bunny said...

I have your badge on my blog

Bunny said...

I have your badge on my blog


Bunny said...

I have your badge on my blog


Karen said...

LOVE it :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Karen said...

Count me in please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

kia said...

tweeted during high traffic :) http://twitter.com/#!/bodhi_bear/status/15809936558653441

Crystal said...

I would like to try the Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil Roasted Brown Rice Couscous

cyclona66 at aol dot com

Crystal said...

I voted for you today

cyclona66 at aol dot com

Claire said...

I think I'd love the Heat & Eat Organic Countrywild Brown rice bowl.

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Debbie C said...

I love Lundberg's rice. I would like to try the Original Sea Salt Rice Chips.


Debbie C said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)


Debbie C said...



Crystal said...

I voted for you today

cyclona66 at aol dot com

Erin G said...

I'd like to try the Organic Risotto Porcini Mushroom


Erin G said...

I liked Lundberg on FB (Erin Greenup)


Erin G said...

I liked your FB page (Erin Greenup)


Erin G said...

I'm following with GFC (greenup06)


Anonymous said...

I would love to try their Original Sea Salt Rice Chips.

kroch said...

I would love to try the Butternut Squash Risotto.


Cinde said...

I think I would like the Fiesta Lime Rice Chips


Cinde said...

"Like" Lundberg on Facebook


Cinde said...

Follow TidbitsParenting via Google Friend Connect


Cinde said...

Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter


Cinde said...

"Like" TidbitsParenting on Facebook


Cinde said...

Voted for your blog on Picket Fence


Anonymous said...

The Organic Risotto Alfredo is my item of choice!


EmmaPeel said...

I think I would like their - Organic Sesame Tamari Rice Cakes!


EmmaPeel said...

I LIke Lundberg on Facebook

EmmaPeel said...

I Follow @OttosMomBlogs on Twitter

EmmaPeel said...

I LIke TidbitsParenting on Facebook

Melanie Montgomery said...

I wanna try the Eco-Farmed Rice Cakes


Anonymous said...

I like Lundberg on Facebook. garrettsambo@aol.com