
Hey Mama! Hey Mama!

Wow, this past weekend was yet another super oober wildly busy one. We are managing to fill every single weekend leading up to our move with events, occasions, parties, and lonnnng road trips. I am pooped on all the activity. And pooped starts with P and that rhymes with T and that stands for Tired. Zzzzzzzzzz.

Wait. But! Lots of fun was had this Saturday/Sunday what with a wedding to attend Saturday night and Mother's Day festivities Sunday.

I'm doing this almost purely as a "Stepping Out" post because in all the commotion I completely failed to take a single picture of my child. Bad mom! But really, I am a good mom. I swear. I was just busy momming, is all.

So here goes, What I Wore {Mother's Day Weekend Edition}

My handsome husband NEVER lets me show his face on this blog but just for Mother's Day (and I think because this photo is so durn cute) he gave me the greenlight! Yay, aren't we dashing? This is us before heading off to the wedding. Rob's wearing shirt/belt/pants (Banana Republic), dress-up shoes (Natha Studio from DSW), and tie (Alfani from Macy's).

In addition to the sunbomb that went off in these pics (and I'm NOT talented enough to fix this in Picnik)... It turns out I need a new blogger pose! Rob took 3 pics, if you can spot 5 differences I'll get you a year subscription to Parents Magazine (no joke!). Haha, look at me be the same...

I'm wearing dress (Pepper "thrifted" from Buffalo Exchange which isn't really thrifting, is it?), necklace (vintage, thrifted) and shoes (Antonio Melani from DSW).

I got these rockin 3" heels 6 years ago to be Maid of Honor in my best friend Megan's wedding. So even though I've worn them maybe only twice since then, having them in my closet never ceases to bring me joy. I just have to mention that these days Megan is an amazing mommy to one of Otto's best friends, 3-year-old Elliot. Yay for hot shoes and even hotter moms!

So that was Saturday. Dressed up, stepped out. Sunday was way more low-key but I want to share this pic of me with my own mom (aka Nana Lee). We did waffle breakfast this morning for Mother's Day -->

We're both wearing super-cute pedicures we got on Saturday. My mom's also wearing an "I Tree Nature" tee (haha, cute) and khakis that I would bet good money are from LL Bean or Anne Taylor. I'm wearing shirt (BDG thrifted from Buffalo Exchange which yeah yeah I don't really consider thrifting), skirt (Necessary Objects thrifted for reals), and flip-flops (Birkenstock).

Speaking of "Steppin Out" & all my blabberings about what is/isn't really thrifting.
I WON a $50 gift certificate to the Vintage shop Opal!
Which is the lovechild of Mandy who founded Steppin Out.
So double-shout-out because I love that shop and Mandy's blog is amazeballs!

Naked Baby Scandal! It's actually probs good that I don't have any pictures of Ot in this post since he spent a large majority of the weekend in his birthday suit or just a diap. Am I the only one who rubs sunscreen onto/into their kid's hair to protect their little toe-headed scalp? Makes for cool hair, yo! ps. You've seen the kid --> He was and always is the cutest thing since baby chickens and he MADE my Mother's Day by running up to me at 5:30 this morning as I shuffled my way into my parents' kitchen for coffee and greeted me with a big, "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!"

And THAT is what it's all about.


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