
three gratitudes, 2

I am grateful for grace under fire. A situation arose in the past few days where I was forced to wait out my emotions and carefully think out my actions... a highly charged situation where the bulldog inside of me wanted to "right fight" (a saying I learned yesterday that I now love) because I was in the right and someone in a very high up position wasn't and they were coming at me pretty aggressively and with ill information. That's all I'll say. I kept calm. I acted with grace. And the situation deflated rather than escalating. Still, how I would love to right fight this! Haha! In another life I'd be a lawyer I think. But whatever. I am also grateful for today being Friday and the coming weekend with my family and friends and a proper grocery run (we haven't done a meal plan in weeks and it's so needed right now). Finally, I am grateful for Loretta's terrible twos. I know that sounds crazy but Otto never had terrible anything. He had like one terrible hour one time. Loretta is her own person and I'm grateful for the differences and similarities of these two, what they have to teach each other and what they have to teach me.

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