The deal: Use our themes or use your own - just let us know what is 'currently' going on with you! Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other bloggers linking up - especially to my amazing co-host at Harvesting Kale.
This week's themes: making, eating, enjoying, hiding, noticing
This week Otto has been Making himself sick on candy. Yay holidays? Professional Investigators that we are, Rob and I are pretty sure he snuck a bunch of egg hunt candy Saturday night because first thing Sunday morning he stumbled downstairs, got super excited to see his Easter basket, and then turned around and threw up. Later we found a stash of wrappers under his bed. Poorly hidden evidence, if you ask me. Classic. He then spent the rest of the day trying to convince us he felt great so he could have... wait for it... more candy of course.
And speaking of being a victim of candy lust. I am a tragedy. Guys, I've been Eating bittersweet chocolate with almonds, a lot of it, every day. Damn it, Trader Joe's, they have this bar called the Pound Plus (because it's stupid-big) but it should be called the Lindsey Bar of Shame because I was like, "Oh heck yeah, Trader Joe's, I'm IN FOR THAT!" and then it's been a non-stop chocolate gnaw-a-thon ever since. I hide it in a top cupboard so it's mine, all mine! ::snarls:: So good. I'll never quite you, bar of shame.
Everyone was Enjoying themselves this past weekend. We kicked off Saturday with an egg hunt at Katherine's house. Then decorated eggs Saturday night. Then Otto sneak-binged on candy and threw up. But the rest of Easter morning was pretty great. Sunday afternoon, I was in a movie. Weird right? I actually got that role I mentioned auditioning for a few weeks back and they filmed on Sunday. You guys. I don't have words to describe how thrilling this was. Scary. Terrifying. But exciting. And super fun. Somewhere in the back of my head I've always thought I'd love acting. So maybe this is the beginning of something? Who knows.
Otto has been Hiding candy wrappers under his bed. I know I already said this. But it's just so funny. What a kid thing to do. His room has become quite the collector's trove of small toys, candy wrappers, and stacks of paper with his notes and drawings. Like a little future teenager. How funny.
Loretta has been Noticing more and more words. Ok, that's kind of a stretch. But she's been attempting longer and longer sentences and really taking on words and repeating words back to us more and more. She has a hard time with pronunciation and we were working on "Care Bear" the other day so I said, "Ca Ca Ca Care Bear" and she said it back. Now when she's having a hard time saying anything she slows down and then says, "Ca Ca Ca..." like "Ca Ca Ca Melon" at dinner tonight. It is the cutest thing in the universe. Her cute trumps how exhausting she can be sometimes. She's a charmer.
That was this week and here are next week's themes:
buying, snapping, scoring, struggling, losing
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