
Hulk and Chicken

We had a really great Halloween this year, Loretta's first! My little chicken did not want to kick back and roll in her stroller so mama got a little workout, carrying that big bird all through the neighborhood while big brother did his trick or treat thing. My arms are still feeling it 2 days later! Haha.

Otto was the incredible Hulk. My kids will always be allowed to be whatever they want for Halloween, with the single rule that no masks are allowed. I want to see their cute faces! So when Otto requested Hulk we decided to DIY his costume. We got face paint and black hairspray, a green long sleeve t-shirt that we drew muscles on, green American Apparel tights that we ordered online and looked like they were going to be the same color as the t-shirt (ummm, hee hee, nope), shredded button up and shorts that Ot had outgrown, and then stuffed that boy full of sock muscles the likes of which no one has ever known! It turned out great. He looked so rad and had the time of his life.

He was so cute, saying, "Happy Halloween!" at each house. He was a master trick or treater who only had to be reminded, ummm, maybe a hundred times, to say, "thank you for the candy," after bagging his loot. He was on a mission, people. At home he counted all of his candies and then has been obsessing over them Golum style ever since. It brings back so many memories of childhood.

My favorite story from this Halloween is of my 2 year old nephew who lives wayyy too far away in Arizona. I guess he refused to wear his costume but they went trick or treating anyway and at every house instead of, "trick or treat" he said, "You're Welcome!" hahahahaha! Love and miss my nephews so so so so much and cannot wait until December when we are planning a family vacation over the holidays to go see our AZ fam.

How was everyone's spooky holiday? Are you decorating for Christmas now? I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away! Yikes! Potatoes! The next couple months are going to fly. Oh boy. And I still haven't packed or shopped for the PNW Blogger Holiday Party which is tomorrow. I think I'm screwed. I'll be wearing dirty pajama bottoms to this thing at this point. At least I have a RAD ASS roomie in Katherine. We got a beautiful suite at the Mark Spencer Hotel and I honestly can't wait to meet so many people I've become friends with online, party hardy, get a little boozey, and then just sleep in a bed with no small humans attached to me. It's going to be epic!

ps. One of my awesome sponsors, Refreshingly Sacred, is having a really cute cameo jewelry Etsy shop giveaway on her blog right now you should all go enter to win!

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