
You Guys Are The Freaking Coolest! "Thank You" Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Once upon a time about 2 months ago I was feeling blue, disconnected, melancholy, unmotivated, etc. etc. etc. synonyms for "crappy". So I started this blog. My amazing friends Megan and Kate agreed to contribute blog posts which made me even more excited. I wanted a place where I could pour my creativity, energy, and love for parenting my son into something that was mine. I guess I needed a hobby I could be passionate about and the only thing I'm over-the-top passionate about is my family and being a mom to Otto.

When I started this, I just wanted to connect with other parents and learn from them and share with them. I never dreamed how welcoming the blog/Twitter community would be! In two short months I feel like I've made so many amazing new friends! I've also become addicted to reading all of your blogs!

So to say "Thank You! Muah! Muah! Muah! Muah!" I'm doing this giveaway of a pack of Crayola Bathtub Markers and a 4-pack of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. There is a little story behind this - one of my first blog posts was a scathing review of Crayola Bathtub Markers and about how now no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the stupid stains off of my bathtub. Well, I tried one more thing and it worked - you guessed it: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! They don't use that word "magic" lightly!

How to Win the Markers and Marker Stain Remover Set:

Entry is super easy, after all, this is a Thank You giveaway. There is NO MANDATORY entry and there are lots of ways to enter. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry!

- Just leave a comment below, any comment, about anything at all, and that's an entry :)
- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow me on Twitter (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Follow TidbitsParenting on Facebook (if you already do, that counts too!)
- Enter the SQuiP giveaway which is open through 8/15 then comment here that you did
- Enter Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway which is open through 8/31 then comment here that you did

This giveaway is open through September 15, 2010. Open to the US and Canada only. I'll choose a winner using random.org. Make sure I can reach you by leaving your email address or Twitter name within the comment.

Thank you! Thank you! Muah!


And the winner is Gianna with comment #139! I'll contact via email and if I don't hear back within 48 hours will choose a different winner.


OT and ET said...

Don't you know I fear rejection, haha, so I always leave the first comment. Thanks guys!

Jen said...

OK lovely lady! You and Megan and Kate have done a great job with the blog; it's really fun (not that you were fishing for compliments, but...heeheehee)!

Jen said...

Facebook "like"!

Jen said...

Entered the haircare giveaway!

Katie Sexton said...

Love your blog!!!

Katie Sexton said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect!!

Katie Sexton said...

I follow you on twitter via kasexton

Anonymous said...

I WANT BATHTUB MARKERSSSSSSSS!! Kick that rubber duckey to the curb! And then, Mister Clean on the side??? WINNER!!! sdinthepdx@gmail.com

Amy said...

I just got Alexander some bath crayons a couple weeks ago. Our tub looks like it's been graffitied. I still haven't attempted to remove it. I wonder if those Mr Clean erasers will do it.

OT and ET said...

@Anonymous I so know who you are and I LOVE you!!!

@Amy I would be shocked if they didn't! For real! I've yet to have the Magic Eraser fail me :)

Lindsay said...

My boys would love me forever if I win these markers!

Lindsay said...

Follow you with GFC!

Lindsay said...

Follow on Twitter! @NewBreedMama

Lindsay said...

Entered the NYM Brand haircare giveaway too! Actually I think I am going to get to work with them on a giveaway for my site too!

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

My daughter would love the markers and then I would need the cleaner.

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

I follow you on twitter (toddleraudrey) and that is how I found out about the giveaway.

Lisa said...

Hmmm...does the Magic Eraser get the markers off fiberglass tubs?? I hope to find out! ;) Following you on twitter!

Lisa said...

Follow TidBits Parenting on Facebook, too!

Jenny L said...

It's interesting to see a blog come full circle like that - a funny story!

Jenny L said...

I follow on Twitter as @TheLadyMama
TheLadyMama77 at yahoo dot com

MojoMama said...

Random Comment: I'm watching my husband chase flies around the house with a fly swatter. It's not unlike watching a child chase seagulls at the beach. Very amusing.

MojoMama said...

I follow via GFC! I could have sworn I did already, but I guess not!

MojoMama said...

I already follow you on Twitter! :)

Robyn said...

I can win by saying anything at all here!?!? - OK - FISH STICKS

arctic_teacher AT yahoo DOT ca

Robyn said...

Following on Twitter (mom2gmc)

arctic_teacher AT yahoo DOT ca

pawsnhooves said...


pawsnhooves said...

I like u on FB!

pawsnhooves said...

follow via GFC !

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

I would love to win these for my son!

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

i follow you on twitter

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

i follow you on google friend connect

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

i follow you on facebook
shining save

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

i entered the squip giveaway

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

i entered the Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway

Monica @MacaroniKidNYC said...

My daughter would love the bath crayons!

cstironkat said...

I'm so glad you found a hobby that you are passionate about. Making friends while you are doing it is an added blessing, congratulations.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the Magic Erasers!


Nicole C. said...

I would love these!!!


Nicole C. said...

I follow on gfc.


Megan said...

How do magic erasers work? They are totally amazing and that makes them a little creepy. Thanks! I'd love some!

mogrill said...

Thanks for the great contest!!
Thanks for the chance.

littlelatina said...

these sounds great

Missybeez said...

I love using Magic Erasers.


Missybeez said...

follow you on twitter@Missybeez80

Snowflake07 said...

I've been wanting to give these erasers a try. Would like to see if they also work on the regular washable crayons. There's something about the magenta color...I cannot get it completely off my walls!
hotpepper71 at bell south dot net

Snowflake07 said...

google friend follower (Snowflake07)
hotpepper71 at bell south dot net

Snowflake07 said...

following on twitter as SnowflakeDay

hotpepper71 at bell south dot net

Secret Burkheiser said...

We love the crayons and would love to try the markers. Mr Clean erasers are a life saver.

jenny said...

i'm on the gfc thing here

Unknown said...

Kids would have a blast with the bathtub markers

Unknown said...

Following via Google Friend Connect

Unknown said...

Following on twitter as @vhubler

Unknown said...

Following TidbitsParenting on Facebook

Unknown said...

Entered the SQuiP giveaway

Unknown said...

Entered Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Love both of these products!

Anonymous said...

Like you on fb

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said...

follow you via GFC

Anonymous said...

entered both of your other giveaways!

Anonymous said...

entered both of your other giveaways!

Peggy Damon said...

great giveaway!!


Peggy Damon said...

following via GFC


Peggy Damon said...

following on twitter (@sweetheart4171)


Unknown said...

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Ames said...

I love Magic Erasers :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
amytulk2 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sweet Harper said...

So glad you started this blog! Sorry I have been sooo busy, I haven't been around entering much!

Sweet Harper said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Chrissyb said...

cute little giveaway for the kiddos!

Chrissyb said...

google follower

Chrissyb said...

Follow you on twitter @lilbabybootie

Chrissyb said...

Enter Not Your Mother's haircare giveaway

Jennifer Wilson said...

Mr. Clean erasers are the best invention ever!

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow you on twitter. jenndiggy

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow you GFC. jenndiggy

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I don't know how people cleaned up after kids before magic erasers! My daughter colors on EVERYTHING!

terenanic at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

follow GFC
terenanic at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

entered not your mother's
terenanic at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

follow fb
terenanic at yahoo dot com

bison61 said...

I love the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

my kids love to play in the bathtub
tcogbill at live dot com

Melissa said...

im leaving a comment for an entry! i love those markers!

Melissa said...

i follow via gfc

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! tracietrump@yahoo.com

Stephanie Grant said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway I know my Bug would love those markers :0)

Stephanie Grant said...

I follow you on Twitter @sgrant2005

Stephanie Grant said...

I follow you on Facebook (Stephanie Petty-Grant)

rebekah arnold said...


rebekah arnold said...


Cher said...

we have the Crayola tub crayons and my sons love them, markers sound nice too!

Cher said...

new google follower!

Cher said...

twitter follower @mamasmoney

mscoffee77 said...

My kids would love the bathtub markers & I always need Magic Erasers. Thanks for having such a great contest!


annies home said...

this is a great blog and giveaway thank you so much for hosting

twinmomoftwins said...

I would so love to win this. I've been wanting to try the bathtub markers and the magic erasers have been a god send when the girls sneak crayons. When the twins are done coloring I always think I've gotten all the crayons back until a piece of artwork suddenly appears on a wall-they are fast but these magic erasers erase just as fast.
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

Tammy said...

I love magic erasers and I've never seen the bathtub markers. I know my kids would enjoy those!

sara aarons said...

Happy Tuesday!

sara aarons said...

Following u on twitter

sara aarons said...

like tidbitsparenting on FB

Linda said...

Oh what a great bathtub toy, the boys would have a ball drawing and coloring!

Erica C. said...

Oooh this is a fun giveaway! Thanks :)

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Glad you found a creative outlet! I love blogging :)
aleksa91 hotmail

Melissa B. said...

I would love to win these.

Anonymous said...

My kids would love the bathtub markers and my house needs the magic erasers.

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

Well now that you know how to remove them, I'd love to try these.

KellyMistry said...

My daughter has the tub soap paint. She would love to draw in markers!!!

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

I follow you on twitter (@kellymistry333)

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

Follow TidbitsParenting on Facebook (kelly gilbert mistry)

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

KellyMistry said...

I entered the Squip giveaway.

mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

Monkey Toes said...

I LOVE you!!! and that's all.

Monkey Toes said...

you're the blog-diggity - and that's why i'm following you (via google friend connect of course)

Monkey Toes said...

you da shiz-nit on twit-tizzz too. of course i follow you there - @monkeytoesshoes

Monkey Toes said...

boo! i cannot find your facebook page...but i tried to friend you (crossing my fingers you'll accept). does that count?? please, please???

jennifer57 said...

i love using magic erasers!

Melanie Montgomery said...

We need these Magic Erasers!


Susan said...

I love Mr Clean! suelee1998 @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

My daughter would just love these!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

Anonymous said...

I like you on FB as Felicia King.

Todayz Fashionz said...

lol My 3 and 5 year old will have a blast with using these bath markers. Also following from twitter. ChicgoStyleInfo

Claude said...

I love the Basic Grey background you have on your blog!

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lentil said...

So I saw "bath markers" and thought "cool!" Then I read that you had hard time cleaning them off and I thought "forget it!" Then I read that magic eraser worked and I thought "true that."

Bring on the markers!

tina reynolds said...

Looks like two great products to try thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter 9ziggy
11newmom at gmail

dvice12 said...

This would be fun for the bath

cman said...

I have lots of staining kids.. please enter me :)

Donna said...

Thank you for the nice giveaway.

Donna said...

I follow you on twtter (donnak4)

Donna said...

I follow you on GFC

Donna said...

I follow you on facebook

Anonymous said...

nice for my neice ty.